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    another word game.

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    How far do you take your hobbies?

    I think when he comes home he will be all out of cheese...
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    Road worthy inspection on boat trailer Qld?

    what to do before inspection.
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    The blatant lies thread

    i'm sorry....can we be friends
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    Panda express or taco bell?

    Taco Bell. mexican fast food doesnt seem as bad as greasy burgers or pizza
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    you dont liek t3h pokemans?
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    Do women have longer legs?

    Psst Cait, that's because Lily's always talkin bout my legs to all the other MAP gals, how nice and muscular they are and all....therefore I don't need to talk about them
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    The one, The only...

    I have never heard of this.
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    First day of school! What are you wearing?

    A training bra:dodgy:
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    Dear ST.

    ROFL!!! Epic. this guy sucks so much cock
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    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    Grrrr! My PC is not behaving. Both Firefox and Chromium flaking out at the same time making life impossible. Think I'll try Opera on Xubuntu. Keep IT Simple Stupid.
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    Balls Twisty

    Testicular torsion sucks.. Always have support for the boys, boxer briefs minimally.
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    Best site to download free movies to PS3?

    Can anyone recommend me some? For free please. Thanks.
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    For week 2 should I play Grossman against the rookie corners of arizona or

    I think Romo is going to have a better game and is the better QB. (eventhough i can't stand
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    Drawings done on sidewalks

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    ideal street racing car

    nice rims!! They're thin enough to make any kid proud............kinda.
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    Abortion is Wrong

    Because one is a man violently assaulting a woman whom he has imprisoned and raped and the other is a doctor performing a consensual medical procedure.
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    Soldier murdered in London

    I find this not an easy question to answer, I'm quite an Atheist and that part of me wants to whip out the RELIGIONISEVIL hammer and start whacking away, but that seems to easy. There are surely other issues here, education for one thing. I was speaking to a Sunni friend of mine,in Amsterdam...
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    which skullcandy headphones should i get?

    nomatter what headphones you get you will still look like this
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    Whats better Shaw or Telus?
