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  1. M

    I have trouble cooking scallops. I can't seem to achieve that buttery soft texture.?

    They either have a rubbery, gamely taste, or are too dry and hard. Any tips, ideas, or a good recipe?
  2. M

    where can i purchase the system that is connecteted the copy machines so that the

    machine can become payperuse? my boss needs the little machine to connect to the copy machine so that we can charge for use. Just like the ones in the library or at Kinko's
  3. M

    Is he an obsessed psycho?

    I've been dating this guy for a short time, and we're really in tune to one another and we have great chemistry. And even though it's really nice of he I find it strange that: He's been lavishing me with gifts. Telling me repeatedly how awesome and great I am. Telling me he misses me and other...
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    should i get a corn snake????

    hi i really want a corn snake, should i get one???
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    CUTE Female rat Names????

    Hi this is marlaB I NEED Female rat names!!!!! I also need a rat colour to get any Ideas???? Thanks;)
  6. M

    Can someone give me a internet picture of a pregnant hamster??? PLEASE CLICK ON

    THIS!!!!! ANSWER!!!!!!!!!!!! Hi! my hamster is probibly pregnant BUT i don't know what a pregnant hamster looks like!!!!!! Can someone give me a picture of a pregnant Syrian hamster??? PLEASE & THANKS!!!!
  7. M

    Why was my friend's male hamster fighting the female???

    I bought my friend a female hamster for her birthday & she put it in with the male & they fought. I am goeing over there tonight so i will see whats up!!