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  1. T

    I Hate Life

    Does anyone want "IRON MIKE's" input in this ??? tee hee........
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    Black Holes ?

    It's proportional to the mass of the black hole. The gravitational force decreases following an inverse square law with distance from the centre of mass. So escape velocity decreases with distance from the centre of mass. The event horizon is the point where the escape velocity drops below the...
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    Alcoholics Anonymous: V. with a poll!

    come get some
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    Pet?? Food? Wild Animal?

    where are you at by the way?
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    Perfect put-put score!

    :dodgyrun: :dodgyrun: :dodgyrun: :dodgyrun: :dodgyrun: :dodgyrun: :dodgyrun: :dodgyrun:
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    Change the song name

    Ice Cream Man - Van Halen
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    Army Or Navy

    Good excuse. If you're too busy why even have a football program? /thread
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    What are you brits doing with all these people????

    the US have a healthcare system? I thought that was just on TV!
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    feminist sexism and stereotypes in abuse adverts?

    i'm cheap because i live in south america
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    brunettes are teh win, blonds teh lost

    I read this post over and over, trying to find a mistake. I couldn't.. :tup: to you ma'am. Now go make me a sammich. :dodgy:
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    Man shot and ran over twice

    Shouldn't have been messing around with his old lady...
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    Homosexuality is Wrong

    The problem is as most paedophiles are attracted to children of the opposite sex, we can just as easily compare them to heterosexuals. This is a very naive comparison at best! People are born gay and that's that. they do not 'choose' to be gay. They are attracted to the same sex as you are...
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    Homosexuality is Wrong

    LMAO!! well reasoned argument there mate
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    The Last Taboos

    Not this joke. Trust me mate.
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    Pub Map!

    No problemo man... but in all honesty, Heineken is a pretty good beer. The only problem is, there are so many better beers around... I got myself a case of Grolsch this weekend, and that stuff is yummy. They've announced this week that they're expanding a lot of business to the U.S.A. so it's...
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    I felt like dying

    On the plus side, if it really keeps hurting you can use the memory of the injustice to fuel your rage while you're fighting/sparring. That tactics worked great for me after having my heart broken bad enough to leave lasting scars. Next time you're about to lose picture her new fiancee is the...
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    Christians if you had to pick up?

    I am a Christian and I would pick them both up. Loving your brother and sister in Christ doesn't have denominations or color. We are all Gods children. To do a kind act in Gods name is pleasing unto Him.
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    If gay people are confident in their sexuality why ?

    Why do some dress different than their gender. Like Ellen Degeneres. She dresses like a man but seems so confident in who she is. A woman. She takes on the male figurehead in her relationship with Portia. That just confuses me. I see a lot of wemon who dress masculine that are gay and some...
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    Why are there all these preachers talking politics in church?

    Well, God created Hillary and Obama just like the rest of us and they need God too. They need prayer. Just because they are in politics doesn't mean they are not in need of God or exempt. No one is exempt from God. If we don't pray for our political leaders, we have no hope. Church is a...