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  1. N

    How do you know when someone loves their ex fuck buddy?

    What's the sign that someone is not over their ex fuck buddy or still in love with them?
  2. N

    weird situation...

    Even ian hates chase, lulz Even though Ian is getting better though imo. My life motto atually, behind "hair on the muff, old enuff"
  3. N

    Gun Control

    I'll address all of this by once more saying it's irrelevant. Violent Crime is a separate category. As you're unable to supply a link to an actual page I'll have to do some ploughing through stats as and when I have time. MItch
  4. N

    Israel Blockades Lebanon

    I disagree I think Zionists and Nazi's have much in common, in fact many Zionists collaborated with the Nazi's. but it is ironic that the Jews once persecuted by the Nazi's have gone on to persecute and oppress the Palestinians. as does Israel perhaps they should have ? Zionists shoot...
  5. N

    post your cities random horrible crimes

    Few months ago a girl was found hanging from a tree beside a road, and a playground... with her eyes and jaw cut off. Yeah the whole town was freaking out. I never found out if the bit about her eyes and jaw cut off were rumor or not. Scary because I live in a pretty small town.
  6. N


    Type in French Military Victories and hit I'm feeling lucky. Oh, nvm its old as shit.
  7. N

    Outstanding Pieces Of Kit

    And there you were going off about how you would be a Sith Lord in Star Wars given the choice, yet you can't even give in to owning an iPhone.
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    Ginger kids....

    The other ginger kid beside him, lawl. Took me a second though.
  9. N

    Man arrested for 2x4 labeled "High Powered Rifle"

    Man arrested for 2x4 labeled "High Powered Rifle" let's stick to the US. That's very different to being an illegal weapon. He could have bought the gun privately and therefore lawfully, since there are no background checks required for private sales.
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    Help! I Need To Kill A Tree!

    why the hell do you want to kill a tree in your yard? do you know how much of a pain cutting down a dying tree and removing the stump is?
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    Tomorrow...I Do It

    rampage jackson aint nothin to fuck wit
  12. N

    eBay GRRR

    You should be able to report them if you can't neg them. The business I'm working in now has a MASSIVE eBay market. We get messed around by buyers all the time. It would be good to be able to let other sellers know who the dodgy characters were!
  13. N

    Question for the Brits

    No it's not a slur, and Brits aren't a race, so feel free to use it. We do.
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    A good spotter or Darwin-award nominee?

    @slip educate me on in-house trainers!
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    Pissed and Pregnant

    HAHAHA! I'd submit to that polyfilla gun...Actually I'd like a hysterectomy but that means no heavy lifting for several months...poo...
  16. N

    Guy rules

    Rule #68: Rambo is a right of passage. Rule #69: You must know at least 3 Godfather quotes.
  17. N

    new picture battle

    Still wins.
  18. N

    Everybody Draw Mohammad Day

    No one can deny that Islamic cultures had a huge influence on Medieval European learning, Greek scholars fleeing from the crushing of Constantinopal by the Ottoman Turks brought a massive amount of Greco/Roman learning back into Europe as well. And indeed brought a new dynamic into the...
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    VE Day and the Royal Family

    Yes/No. Traditionally Officers came from the aristocracy because they were the leaders of the warbands and then the leaders of the households, etc etc... For a shorter period of history people could buy commissions. A system that obviously favoured the Upper middle and Upper Classes. That...
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    The Member Depreciation Thread

    I don't really care about people that ask for rep.