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    whos the hottest ssn presenter?

    this is the one
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    The Noel Fielding thread

    I just started watching the mighty boosh. Sureal humour is very popular these days.
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    How can i really make hr smile or give her butterflies when i greet her over a text?

    So I like this girl and I think she might like me idk yet haha but I haven't texted her at all today and I want to. I can easily just text her saying "Hey" or "Hi" but hats too easy and makes me think im lazy. I wanna say something to make her think about me and smile or get butterflies. I was...
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    Post Your best ways to fake sick

    lol, the whole point is that you cant find friends in real life, let alone on the internet making you a complete looser...but i didnt mean it
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    Israel Blockades Lebanon

    Why start the war in the first place? Hezbollah started it knowing that Israel would react since they reacted to the kidnapping of the soldier in the south.
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    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    I've had it since I was about 16-18, but it ruptured during Ju Jitsu practice a few weeks back. It was potentially strangulated, but recovered bit from that. Then after an examination last Tursday I find out the first one rupturing caused a fascial tear...basically my abdomen ripped from the...
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    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    not a grr (more like a "BWAHAHAHA", tbh ) but this reminds me of the dude that was next to me while i was doing front squats yesterday. he was using what i think was a smith machine, doing quarter squats and looking at me with a "i'm just going to ignore this weirdo" look on his face (i was...
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    Final statements

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    Japs,do you know what happened on Sep,18th,1931??

    Probably the incident has been removed from your history books.But i think you have the right to know the truth.And i am just wondering how the japanese young people think about this.
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    Im buying a used car?

    well im buying a used car 2006 and im wondering how much do i have to pay for insurance., im part-time student i dont work my grandmother is going to pay for it cuz its her gift to me and all i have to do is pay insurance idk what im doind haha
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    First time selling a car to a friend?

    well im going to sell my or my aunt 1998 Buick park avenue to a friend for 1,800 and i dont know what to do? do i just sign the pink slip to him or go to Dmv or something?
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    Rehouse my kitty!

    Good luck, Southpaw. That's a hard place to be in.
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    I turned on ibook and it came on but didnt load up pass the white screen with the Apple in the middle of the screen. it looked like it was still loading. It did that for at least an hour and then i tried it again same thing i tried it about 5 times and nothing worked.
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    I refuse to eat fat or protein or lift weights because I don't want to look unfeminine. I never suffer from excess adrenaline. I want 6 kids. No, not for liquidizing into protein shakes...I love working with kids...
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    What's best, to believe in a particular brand of religion, or leave out

    I believe more in the second option, as we don't know 'YET' how everything started, so to put a name to it, we could use God.
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    Achluophobia: Fear of Darkness

    I don't think there's anyone here who could say if you have a phobia or not, you're probably best seeking professional help in that regard. However if it is causing you problems in your day to day life over an extended period then it needs to be addressed either way. Exposure may be good but...
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    Why TV sucks - MMA death

    Numb3rs, from my understanding (I've never watched a full episode) is a show about a physicist, or mathematician, or something that solves mysteries using math. So, it appears that the guy was killed by repeated blows to the face, however this is a MYSTERY show, so that is most likely not the...
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    shit. wtf did i sign up for.

    Escort or ranchhand to keep the steer in line?
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    help between 2 verizon phones now?

    I've narrowed my search down to two phones. Which one is the better choice between the reality and the alias 2?