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  1. RileyS

    Earth Quake charity appeal,click the red button

    Current Total: £948.90 / US$1,613.13 Current No. of Clicks : 9489 well done everyone who is clicking keep it up
  2. RileyS

    Sticky notes

    I agree! In fact I wish I could stick a sticky note about the quote below on every junk-poster's forehead!
  3. RileyS

    MTV MADE is coming to my school to....

  4. RileyS

    Israel Blockades Lebanon

    You're right, they are not. And that shoots down the whole Israel=Apartheid thing. Roughly 15% of Israelis are not Jewish, with a sizable Arab population. And they have representation in the Knesset. OTOH, if the UN Partition plan would have split the British Mandate in 2 Arab state, the...
  5. RileyS

    Dressing up in ladies clothes!!

    I tried my overweight ex-girlfriend's jeans on once. They didn't stay on for long.
  6. RileyS

    Ann Coulter...

    You say that like it'd be a bad thing...
  7. RileyS

    strange thinga in mah box!

    Someone either really loves you, or really hates you. And, mudkipz loves teh present, teh present doesn't love teh mudkipz.
  8. RileyS

    What should I buy with $100.00

    buy the shit in my sig. :tup:
  9. RileyS

    bloody huge spider in my house

    I see no blood.
  10. RileyS

    The Viking Thread

    I love that movie.
  11. RileyS

    What Are The Rules For Cock Blocks?

    your a liar. plus your name is afflicted samurai and you have pictures of asian shit on your thing. asian = no pussy
  12. RileyS

    What do you owe an employer?

    AHA! This makes it a little more interesting, since it's a probation with one weeks notice, and you don't wish to feel any guilt and say no, why not intentionally get yourself kicked, or let them tell you "this won't work out". You could have some fun with it, go to work with inappropriate...
  13. RileyS

    Made My Boss Cry Today (Serious)

    I remember when I made one of my co-workers cry cause I changed their cell phone langauge to korean or some shit.
  14. RileyS


    Nope - I lost my sense of smell in the 1980's... due to hanging out with Tony "ScarFace" Montana.
  15. RileyS

    Best comeback ever?

    That's been proven a fake already. The guy just made it up to make himself look good.
  16. RileyS

    The New Dew

    Mountain Dew =/= Coke.
  17. RileyS

    Any Hunters?

    You are asking a loaded question then. So you approve of hunting as long as people don't enjoy doing it? That makes no sense. Hunting for meat and using the hide, and personal gratification are not mutually exclusive. Honestly, you don't know what you are talking about. I bet you haven't...
  18. RileyS

    bad inventions

    This thread has posts full of win and some of fail. Its hit or miss here....
  19. RileyS

    question about a wanted headboard?[[please read!! especially gossip girl watchers]]?

    Hey im decorating a room and im looking for a headboard decoration similar or the same from what serena vanderwoodsen has in her tv show gossip girl. Its the big thing plastered against the wall right behind her bed that can pass for a headboard. Anyone know where i can get something similar?
  20. RileyS

    lol @ this

    It was probably the ads on the page.