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  1. D

    What other hobbies do you do beside MA?

    not much now, i used to do ballet alot but i gave it up for karate. i sometimes go swimming but not all the time to call it a sport
  2. D

    Is it possible to connect an old stereo receiver/speakers to a flat screen tv?

    Yes, you can. Although I'm having trouble locating a good diagram of that model receiver, you should be able to take the audio out of your TV and connect it to the EXT input or AUX input on any amp. Best Wishes
  3. D

    I recently moved and have my home theater set up exactly as I had it before, but...

    A bad ground could be causing it. Check that all of the connections are *fully* inserted into your components. A partial connection is the most likely cause. Even if they look right, try giving each connector an added push just to make certain. Best Wishes
  4. D

    How Accepting and "Open-minded" Are You

    How Accepting and "Open-minded" Are You oh, well. I thought it worth while to try This is an interesting observation. I lived for 8 years in Miami, FL, a very diverse, sprawling, rapidly-growing metropolitan area. The city was built in waves as groups of people moved in from other areas...
  5. D

    Ear rings?

    im 100% that left is strait and right is gay
  6. D

    Men, women, and sex

    I apologize if I jump to assumptions (not my intention though I do things that I don't realize which is really strange). So this kinda means that we will have a tendency to mate with an individual who we deem to be successful (stable job and income, etc). We want to mate with someone who we know...
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    Might have to be in a fight....

    kick his knee backwards /thread
  8. D

    Happy New Year Peoples!!!

    LOL, thanks for believing in me Ular. I'll make you proud! Hope your 2008 has been stellar so far.
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    Islam and the cruelty of Halal. CAUTION, distressing scenes.

    Good point, Polar! Ever seen Catholic statues of Mother Mary? Hijab. Hijab is normal, Niqab is NOT. The Niqab is Salafi Islam.
  10. D

    Things you learned abroad.

    Everywhere I've been in the world I've noticed one thing about people, in assumption that they aren't really politically active or have overbearing views. Everybody just wants to chill the heck out and not have any problems. In Turkey, if you're a tourist and a vendor cons you into touching...
  11. D

    My Nokia 5530 xm Wont turn on.?

    I left it on last night with little battery so by the morning it had turned off. When I put the charger in nothing happens as well. If I hold the power button , after a while , it vibrates but that is all that happens. It's actually a 5230. Sorrry
  12. D

    What should i do...

    Ask booksie girl, I heard she's a whiz at puters...
  13. D

    Training mate from - w00t!

    What would you know about a woman sonny, you probably think they all have staples in their middle. The Bear.
  14. D

    Channel 4 alternative message (well done)

    its like they said on ross kemp its anothe NI. i think its partly a case of being part of nato and all that crap
  15. D

    Having trouble hooking PS3 up to the internet using COD4.?

    The screen becomes frozen and reads " down loading game settings" and never connects. Has anyone else encountered this? What did you do to correct it? Thanks, DCS
  16. D

    I'm trying to connect to the internet via my PS3 and I keep getting a...

    ...popup saying "downloading game settings"? After this popup it fails to connect. Anyone have a solution for me? Call of duty 4
  17. D

    internet explorer opens new windows and i cant click on anything?

    i went into msn messenger and that window popped up (msn today) then i clicked on one of the news articles. it said i needed to download flash player 9 or something. so i clicked it, it all looked correct, however the logo was different when the download had started and i couldnt stop it. once...
  18. D

    Why doesn't my penis droop like the others?

    nothing is wrong, thats just how you are:D
  19. D

    Why do most people hate Motorola phones?

    Let's take a step back, can we? Most people don't hate motorola phones. Most people are basically indifferent to who makes their phone. Most people want some features, a cheap price, and their %$#@! carrier to work. That is the end of most people concerning phones. Then you have the elitist...