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  1. Z

    Break-up with the person above you.

    I love you, its over.
  2. Z

    3 days, 1 goal... i need your help.

    have you ever tried to grow weed? 3 days? are you joking me?
  3. Z

    Wow, look at this

    older 1/2 full cans also available wtf
  4. Z

    Killing Dolphins

    You are evil... the dolphins are coming for you...
  5. Z

    PBnation House

    its just the banks trying to unload the houses, they dont mean for people to live in the house, just for people who want to invest in the revitalizing of the area one guy just bought one and had to paylike 40K in taxes and the bank had to pay 10K in back taxes
  6. Z

    ST - Are you a virgin?

    troof EDIT: ^^^^^ troof
  7. Z

    endless poll is...

    Its going to be so classic when they go on the news and announce "well our poll results are in.. 90% of citizens are going to gamble away their refund" then Bush is going to :faceplant:
  8. Z

    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    Well look on the bright side. They cancelled the first movie. Then cancelled season 10. Then reinstated the 1st movie again. The show's not over until the fat lady sings. And I don't see no fat ladies here. ... Of course I'll marry you
  9. Z

    Paying for church

    i only went to that one. there are others. But none of my friends go there, i may go this weekend just for the hell of getting a feel, last time i had to hold my wallet the whole time.
  10. Z

    Things that make you go :-)) take two!

  11. Z


    I virgle her with my tongue.
  12. Z

    Dorm Room Pictures

    you should have a drip pan for when it sweats
  13. Z

    Should women fight on the frontline?

    Completely agree starting with SF wouldn't be the smartest idea and the slow integration does sound like a plan. Stupid question: what are tier 3 units?
  14. Z

    PETA v.s. Bikers... lol

    The article, and the photo, reads like a fake story, but golly oh golly I hope it is real! Hurray for the bikers! Wooot! God Bless Bikers! Three cheers for the bikers! Hip, hip, hurray! ^^ That ^^ is why I hate PETA in particular, and animal rights' activists in general. Grrrr!!! And three...
  15. Z

    High school botany

  16. Z

    Mosque planned near Ground Zero: A change of opinion.

    I don't think it's very consistent about how Jews should be regarded. From what I've read, it certain points it holds them up as "people of the Book;" at other times, it heaps disdain and distrust upon them. To bring this all back to the beginning, though, I think this thread shows why the...
  17. Z

    More Flags More Fun ???

    We made this video for our marketing class to get free admission to six flags.
  18. Z

    Condoms Spread Aids!

    I think they are teaching that sex should only happen in marriage,so abstinence is the religious way blah blah blah.Rather than "don't have unprotected sex as you will die" ,however that won't help them with their brainwashing of the 3rd world and their attempt to make them all Catholics. It...
  19. Z

    Poetry Thread.

    on the 15th of june under the moon i partied so hard i lost my card now i cry oh my oh my