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  1. K

    So I made a bet with my History teacher...

    Punch your teacher in the penis. A crude yet simple solution.
  2. K

    Shootings in Virginia

    Gun laws in the US vary from state to state.
  3. K

    When did Michael Jackson look best?

  4. K

    So..... Im a father..

  5. K

    Hard-hitting news...

    whateva, there wan't much there in tha first place
  6. K

    Japanese IQ test

    Ok, I must be thick.....guess I wouldnt get a job too handy in Japan!
  7. K

    Bruce Willis Suing Apple

    There is a very, very limited number of worthwhile videos on youtube. The majority of the content is trash, at best, appealing simply to the LCD with no attempt at creativity. Actually a man on the street handing out free money is looked on suspiciously by the majority of people. The...
  8. K

    The American Infallibility Complex

    I've heard Marakesh and Casablanca are beautiful. Not the biggest fan of Moroccan food but definitely a great place to visit. It's just unfortunate that much of the world has people like that yet many of us fail to see them for their simple things like you just mentioned. Good point. I...
  9. K

    Live comedy

    Love it! Saw loads of people on the cheap when i was at university - Jimmy Carr, Noel Fielding, Reginald D Hunter etc. I miss the days of seeing 3 comedians for 3 pounds, with a free drink thrown in. I still rate Noel Fielding pre-Mighty Boosh as the hardest I have ever laughed at a standup...
  10. K

    what happened to the best thread in ST history?

    homosexual posts are always good stuff.
  11. K

    things that are overated.

  12. K

    What the heck kind of sports do you play in the UK?

    Or to give thanks that you don't get hit in the nads with one of those hardballs.
  13. K

    Do you like Pina COladassss?

    What is this faggotry. Why was my thread closed and this one open
  14. K

    Fat people should pay MORE

    well yes, imagine an underweight woman and an overweight man, the man could be 3 times her weight if not more and they must pay the same for plane tickets and have the same baggage allowance. the clothes argument is probably unimportant as the cost of extra material i can imagine is negligable
  15. K

    The Member Depreciation Thread

    optical character recognition? :teeth:
  16. K

    so what should i do st?

    Sphere your a fucking asshole. His step father, a member of his family could possibly be dying and you are here being a little bitch about his comment. Juggalo may being losing a family member. Its people like you who make me sick. You should be put in his situation and see how constant worry...
  17. K

    "OGame" - Intergalactic Conquest

    "OGame" - Intergalactic Conquest Yeah, I may have to abandon my fusion plan. I don't like the thought of using deut for energy I dont have enough crystal for solar satellites, and each one would only give me...what 30 energy? Not good enough really.
  18. K

    Differences in meaning

    A pal of mine, after enjoying a lovely meal with his American hosts in their home, offered to take his pal's wife into the kitchen and help her wash up
  19. K

    Who is the nicest celebrity you've ever met?

    Mine is Ted Koppel. Seriously. He's about four feet tall and a f***in' laugh riot.
  20. K

    Who is the rudest celebrity you've ever met?

    and why? Mine is Jamie Lee Curtis. Total b***h.