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  1. D

    Street Names??!

    Forest Dr.
  2. D

    female passiveness

    You poor innocent have no idea what Cardiff gals are capable of..... Be careful what you wish for...........
  3. D


    Ogsه, du er en bavian med en IQ pه mindre enn sytti.
  4. D

    Please Vote.

    I think that's true for Democrats as well, Obama backed off a lot of his extreme left rhetoric as the polls started to turn toward Romney, not a bad strategy, in fact necessary.
  5. D

    Brand elimination battle!!

    This thread is gonna get closed. No one is playing.
  6. D

    End of Interent Scheduled for 2011

    yes the "Internet" will run out of addresses soon. thats why they are implementing Internet2. different IP addressing standard giving us plenty more addresses. never fear us tech guys are here
  7. D

    Wild accussation

    Kraen's first job was working on a tropical island picking lobsters off of Jane Mansfield.
  8. D

    Cereal Adventures

    go here
  9. D

    Comic Books

    Sandman was excellent, although there were a couple of the arcs that I wouldn't read again, such as the Doll's House, not my cup of tea, but Seasons of Mist, Brief Lives and The Kindly Ones were super sweet!
  10. D

    Words cannot describe the awesome!!!

    [No message]
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    So long, farewell, auf wiedersehen, goodbye!

    That's a shame Sketco. Pop back in and say hi sometime.
  12. D


    Except big polluters are big producers, whether it's goods or power. Used by the consumer: you and me. If you apply that pollution tax to them, they pass it down to us. Everything you do becomes more expensive. Three problems with solar. 1: High cost. 2: Low output/mediocre efficiency. 3...
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    Dog The Bounty Hunter

    Well put Scarlet.
  14. D

    Climate change research fraud

    I'm not sure exactly where you can see a bigger version of that graph but I will have a look round for one, as when you see it a bit bigger the fact that rise and fall of CO2 comes after temperature shifts is even more obvious than on the video. Just because David Attenborough is awesome...
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    Photography Thread 3

    My Turn!!!
  16. D

    Poetry Thread.

    i can ryme that can be sed but this is like a lime i must go to bed
  17. D

    Is It Possible?

    Ahh good stuff. Every time i do that to ST like 20 people say: "i hate you".
  18. D

    What is a god-father?

    She's 18 or 19. My reaction is that, because he isn't exactly the christian values kinda guy. He's been to prison 2 times, he's trashed peoples houses while high on ecstacy, and other stuff like that. I've known him since high school and he's my best friend, but I'm hesitant because if he runs...
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    I like pie.

    Sweet. Im trying all different 7 digit segments of my ss# and phone# to see if I can get lucky and turn up with a combination in a 4 million number string that should only appear once every 10 million digits. What a great way to spend my night. :D I didn't think anybody would get it. :tup:
  20. D

    what is the definition of gossip(ing)?

    1)A conversation that spreads personal information about other people 2)Wag one's tongue; speak about others and reveal secrets or intimacies 3)Talk socially without exchanging too much information MINGLING The action of people mingling and coming into contract. e.g "all the random mingling...