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  1. J

    Kill all the Pit bulls in Ohio - H.B. 568

    I own two Lab's, and while they would be in no danger of ever being put down the thought of losing either of them before their time is unthinkable. They become part of the family and to have to surrender them to be euthanized would hurt bad. That said, some people should not own dogs...
  2. J

    How is this Possible

    Cause he managed to keep his kids alive even when britney was looking after them
  3. J

    Will you ever want kids, yay or nay?

    Aww, wow, thank you, that's so nice :)
  4. J

    The Fly...

    You're the most useless poster in this thread
  5. J

    Sour Patch Watermelon

    yeah they're amazing. and is your name a reference to the old vermont field that got shut down a few years ago? jw
  6. J

    My Pencil Drawing

    It's because the eyes are quite big.
  7. J

    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    Professional exams starting tomorrow and i'm on MAP! *sheepish face*
  8. J

    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!! Double post
  9. J

    Bear vs. Giant Squid

    Maybe we should ask these guys.....
  10. J

    Fantasy Fights

    ryu vs goku spiderman vs wolverine wolverine vs hulk Ivy (soulcaliber) vs catwoman inuyash vs ruroni kenshin ninja vs knight frodo baggins vs Willow (the movie) superman vs hulk batman vs spiderman . . . . . . And last but not least Bush vs Osama
  11. J

    Things that make you go :-)) take two!

    Yoo Hoo I figured it out!
  12. J

    Things that make you go :-)) take two!

    Nobody ever notices the janitor!
  13. J


    Although to be fair to this thread "my cactus looks like a cat" is one of the most bizarre reasons for believing in the paranormal I've heard in a long time. I wife bought a cactus and the very next day I had an erection that looked just like it. Less green I grant you but very...
  14. J

    What tunes do you listen to you?

    Just thought I'd move this thread to the "Music" topic -- fits better here. I usually listen to classical music, but lately, I've been getting CDs of some of my favorite "classic rock" groups: Yes Traffic Jefferson Airplane/Starship Moody Blues just to name a few. More to come. I have loads...
  15. J

    Hurricane Sandy

    Supposedly the worst is past us. We never noticed anything other than rain up here at the Kuma house. The only downside is most of our water usage has to come from our emergency tank as it's almost time to change it out and we don't want to waste it.
  16. J

    The Light

    great. then don't view the topic.
  17. J

    Me and my friend made cookies (FUCK YOU 56K)

    Those look shiny.. Edit: and tasty.
  18. J

    DIY for complete and utter n00bs

    Oh, oh, things are looking up carpet, flooring and tiling wise. The missus' boss has recently put down vinyl flooring and tiles in his own home and word of mouth suggests he's done a good job. If we want he'll do our conservatory, hallway, bathroom and en suite for the grand price of zero...
  19. J

    Guy rules

    You had me in stitches for 5 minutes straight.