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  1. S

    New Car

    Do you wear a monocle? Clarence, why?
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    The Confession Thread

    Actually he's said several nice things before, and to you. I think at the time you were just worked up enough to not catch them.
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    better then having THC in your body :tup:
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    The History Behind..

    Ok so i found a website which supports medi's quote. They have lots more 2. Found it quite interesting.
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    What do you do for fun? (I NEED HELP!)

    well, im trying to find something more that i could do every day.
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    Car advice needed!

    Yeah, I saw that. Part of my post also said "you should just get them changed" but I edited it after re-reading the post since he said he was going to change them. My reading comprehension and post writing skills suffer greatly when I'm watching a movie and only paying half attention. The last...
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    Why do we eat meat?

    Our brains take a lot of energy to operate, so we had to change our diet for them to get bigger. PL
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    Who Created God?

    I am praying that these religious threads will just DIE ALREADY!
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    Man arrested for 2x4 labeled "High Powered Rifle"

    Man arrested for 2x4 labeled "High Powered Rifle" From memory they have several lawyers among their 'congregation', so they are very good at obeying the letter of the law.
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    Steve Jobs
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    Change the song name

    Don’t Stop Believin’ - Journey.
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    so, what kinda beer you likey?

    Yeungling, Blue Moon, and Magic Hat. Every now and again Corona is alright.
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    Meet me and moi

    I believe there's something going on in the cage but I rarely get to see much of that, again unless it's someone I like. That's the other thing about this, you can either come and watch the show in great seats or come and get a little insight into the running of these events. Up to the individual.
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    Ninja vs Pirate!

    It wouldn't stay here long anyway! I mean it's bound to be moved to the Hunks thread
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    file sharing programs?

    can anyone tell me, other than limewire, if there are any free ones that work with all files, especially music. thanks
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    Am I seeing visions of the future?

    lately Ive been seeing a lot a deja vu, and at first i thought "whatever, its just deja vu" but after a while they started getting longer and i could start predicting what would happen next... i wouldn't normally acknowledge this but ive been trying to become Wiccan am i accessing some hidden...
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    i saw my 19 year old female neighbor naked and got caught?

    you should but society today sais its wrong
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    i just got a laptop. How do i work the internet?! Help!?

    well i would go to radio shack, if you have one near you, they definitly have a cord that would help you, but i have an idea, i dont know if itll work but you can try, keep you pc plugged in and plug it into your pc but, if you have a pc so close to you i would just use it for internet instead
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    Are you NORMAL!??!?

    no im not normal, and NANCY might have down syndrom