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  1. marielle

    Cheesecake...or pie..?

    its called a "Cheesecake pie" The "cake" part refers to the texture
  2. marielle

    Fellow Christians, why would a loving God allow this?

    Aside from Adam, Eve and Jesus, God only creates spirits and humans create humans. As a nurse epidemiologist I can tell you that conception and division of cells, DNA and carrying a baby for 40 weeks is a miracle at best but, the law of nature as we have all seen anomalies in animals and human...
  3. marielle

    The Official I Flopped Thread

    Having got a B in theology at AS, imagine my shock to see A2 modules of c,d,d. Lucky to maintain a C in someways, but put a downer on my A and B. I knew the test was a pooper though.
  4. marielle

    How do you feel when you look up to someone like a movie star and then find out

    which religion they belong to? You see a really great movie or read a great book and later on find out that they belong to a certain religion, does your perception of them change? Does it make a difference according to what the religion is? How do you feel about this?
  5. marielle

    The tragic double standard - European VS Asian

    What journalist are you referring to? Not the Terry Lloyd/Demoustier incident are you?
  6. marielle

    If you were to discuss your GPA..?

    2.0 isnt anything special I guess. It means youre a C average student. ld say low is anything past that...
  7. marielle

    How long can you hold your breath??

    Just did 1m15seconds, but not underwater, so it's hard to know if I was breathing through my eustacian tube or not.
  8. marielle

    I win?

  9. marielle

    Life or Death situation.

    Squirrel Master;46141948']see.... thats what I'm fucking talking about! All non-hackers can pound sand! I'm getting my shit out of there..... and by getting out of there I mean building a giant rotisserie to roast your ass with....
  10. marielle

    Split- US Donations

    yeah, your elderly neighbour is going to lose his house because 7c out of every $10 he earns goes to stop a child in Africa dying. Seriously, you should write a book, it would be the only recruitment tool Al Qaeda would ever need.
  11. marielle

    Split- US Donations

    I dont think they do give more aid in terms of percentage, not from the data tables I've seen at least.
  12. marielle

    ST, let me test you

    You aren't Jim Carrey.
  13. marielle

    I have a question..

    He's wrong. It may require a bit more expansion, but thats about it. The only challenge is in how you articulate things, but that is true across the board. Because they have little to no experience it is easy to explain to them what the training actually means, and unless they have a "counter"...
  14. marielle

    Cure my Arachnophobia?

    Phobia's are 'learned' fears meaning something happened earlier in life that made you afraid of them. My brothers used to hang me out the upstairs window by my feet so I'm afraid of heights now. The treatment for phobias is a gradual reintroduction of what it is your afraid of. Learning about...
  15. marielle

    making life decisions

    haha yea ok, every football fuck head says this. Wake up dick weed, football isnt gonna take you anywhere
  16. marielle

    When is gossip girl on?

    What time, day, and channel?
  17. marielle

    So what have you named your schlong?

    Thor the Conquerer :tup:
  18. marielle


    yes :ugh:
  19. marielle

    ST!! Whats for lunch????
