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  1. cancan

    Better than knocking on a sound-proof door...

    Tangent Universe... duhh go watch Donnie Darko before making threads with stupid questions
  2. cancan

    Free to good homes

    BC sorry did not work out for you mate .. there are other routes in life for you .. Smurf
  3. cancan

    Penis for Women In Need

    H, prefers the word stalker.
  4. cancan

    Guess the Appearance

    What can I say, Su? I know all!!!!
  5. cancan

    what the fuck is wrong with kids?

    Exactly. Parenting isnt parenting anymore..
  6. cancan

    Australia Day

    I'm beginning to think we should challenge NZ and Eng at the same time
  7. cancan

    So fucking hot...

    . I live right by you :tup:
  8. cancan

    Top Ten Beers,does this include your fave?

    The reasons for Budweiser and Miller Lite, are pretty good. Namely, he didn't go on flavour. I don't know why so many people rate Guiness though. It's like the Budweiser of Stouts. There is better stuff out there
  9. cancan

    Sour Patch Watermelon

    fucking delicious. i love sucking it until all the sugar is off, then eating the leftover gummyish watermelon. so damn good
  10. cancan

    Direct and indirect benefits to humans and technology because of the trip to the moon

    Are you trying to rile me up during my favorite week of the year? More another time, probably not tonight.
  11. cancan

    pics of you in bape.

    i got me some bapes: GTFO of ST please. You're a white trash piece of shit so take your gay ass hoodie and go back to your double-wide. Asshole.
  12. cancan

    Your Gender?

    As far as I know, gender means sexual preference. Sex is whether you are male and female. Hahahaha!!!!! Asexual means, in humans, you have no sexual preference!!!!
  13. cancan

    My Parents

    No idea.
  14. cancan

    My new (old) hobby...

    Nice Stang! Did you buy that parking lot/ street set or make it from scratch? I actuallu thought i was looking at a real car when the thread first opened because of the set it was on. I used to try to do models but kept getting slapped....err I mean I didn't have the attention span for all the...
  15. cancan

    Need help with vandals

    If you beat the shit out of them they won't fuck with your car again.
  16. cancan

    Tea, hot in a cup or cold in a tall glass with ice?

    *Homer Simpson voice* Mmmm, tea! My tea has to be Tea direct (Fairtrade tea) with semi-skimmed milk and no sugar, using freshly boiled water and served in a mug. When I went to America for the first time in 2000, I was shocked to be served my hot tea in a tall paper cup (and my brother's...
  17. cancan

    Proof west virginians are not hillbillies...

    ;45843812']I never knew yall had a problem as being viewed as hillbillies. When I think West Virginia country bumpkins do not come to mind.
  18. cancan

    Lexus Rx300 radio does not work?

    i have a 2002 lexus rx 300 and my radio doe snot work. it turns on and the buttons work and everything but the only noise that comes out is tatic. i thought it might be my anttena but i had that replaced and it still does not work. i also foudn out that my cd player located in my glove box will...
  19. cancan

    The MAP Gym Rant Thread

    lol - I'm getting flash back from having to deal with the Les Mills group exercise lot at one of the gyms I worked at here in HK. Nightmare. Total queens to a man. Worse than that... queens on roids.... Not to be confused with the straight juiced up bodybuilder PT's... Uggh. The annual company...
  20. cancan

    Looking for somebody who speaks Japanese

    This reminds me of a couple of links in the cain archives |Cain| BTW welcome to the jungle