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  1. G

    Journey in Locker Rooms

    lol, did this all of cross country season... don't stop believing all day everyday.. and on occasion the rocky theme song :tup:
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    Are you giving up your crown without a fight !!! Smurf
  3. G

    Any Big Brother fans out there?

    I think they should initiate a Battle Royale style competition in the last week. THEN I'd watch it!!!
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    Relationships are a lot like two people stagering home from the pub wasted (Bear with me, I think this will work) Both people can lean on each other for suport and they'l help each other along, that will work fine. (Coresponds to a happy couple that doesnt argue often but need each other to be...
  5. G

    Knighty Reaches 4000

    WHAAT!!1!!1ONEONEELEVEN!11!! Nice one mate
  6. G

    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    Sitting in a tattoo parlour all afternoon and not getting ink done Grrrrrr!!
  7. G

    Dear PbN. Im going to be EMO for a day.

    Be all like :( :cry: "Meh."
  8. G

    I have a question..

    Agree. But my sense of fear of a gun was not like yours. It came from my father and many aunts and uncles who would not hesitate to butt thrash any nephew or family member who did not respect the responsibility
  9. G

    Why do we eat meat?

    Dont start on the sandals Knight-E. I have no carpets at the moment and therefore walk around in sandals. Sandals can be a sensible alternative to splinters in the toes.
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    What would be your entrance theme music?

    Tough decision. The Red Hand Gang Banana Splits
  11. G


    will do. nigga, just quit bein a damn bitch about dem gangs, sun. seriously y'all, just pick up a 9 and cap some hoes
  12. G

    Have you ever tasted your own...

  13. G

    How come GMC doesn't make Sedan cars?

    Like how come they don't make cars thats like a maxima... or a Accord.. all they make is SUVS and Trucks!!! This may sound stupid but please... tell me. 5 stars ill give you!
  14. G

    Mitt Romney

    Meh. Good journalism is capturing a audience. Like going after the dirty laundry because it will do this better. All news mediums go after the dirty laundry, even so far as stretching the white lie. That said, they are held accountable more than a politician
  15. G

    Numero dos

    TP doesn't get your ass clean. You need wipes
  16. G

    Japans "Suicide Forest" at the base of Mt. Fuji

    Japans "Suicide Forest" at the base of Mt. Fuji Since the UK government started waging a war on the sick and disabled over a hundred people have committed suicide...
  17. G

    martial arts + geeks

    hmm i practice MA(TC/TKD) n m into computer programming from last 5-6 yrs... coincidence...?? but it's intresting fact u put up... nice... Martial arts practice does makes u sometimes less socialable... for instance like u r training 4-6 hrs a day with ur school/college/work... u wont get...
  18. G

    Man blows his top at authority... WOW.. just wow. Now there are lolz to be had (left, right and center) that is for sure. Have at it.
  19. G


    its crapped, i think you need to pass 4th grade.