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  1. M

    Do you have a job?

    min wage, i only buckle seat belts and tell people that The Hulk ride is at Universal studios. or tell them food is not included w/ park addmission
  2. M

    Ban the last poster before you post

    for driving the ban-wagon
  3. M

    But you aint gawt no legs Lt. Dan!!!!

    Threw away prosthetics At an early age, his parents had him fitted with prosthetic legs and a prosthetic right arm, but Nick threw them away, finding they limited his mobility instead of enhancing it. He’s mainstreamed at school and gets good grades. His only concession to his lack of limbs is...
  4. M

    Mind trick, Right or Left Brain?

    When i first looked at her she was going clock-wise.. then i read the description and she went anti-clockwise and she won't go back!! the bitch
  5. M

    Israel Blockades Lebanon

    Note how they are also openly carrying their weapons. Additionally, there are military personnel who are special agents of the US gov't. Their mission is counter-intelligence. By law, they can dress in civilian clothing and 'blend in' as needed as well as carry concealed. Their status as...
  6. M

    Israel Blockades Lebanon

    but wouldn't it be hilarious to see the French, the Brits, maybe a few Italians go despite the US' veto. Oh we can but dream. The look on Bush's face would be priceless.
  7. M

    Bearded lady

    this shit happens at my work ("service clerk" at a grocery store) from time to time. I can't help but stare, its messed up.
  8. M

    Imagine punching somebody so hard that they turned into a door.

    if you punch a bitch, will your door have knockers?
  9. M

    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    Grr to Walmart & their crappy customer service reps...
  10. M

    Hi Guys! (And gals)

    Actually, the one he gave me to mod the Ninjutsu section was more like this:
  11. M

    Former gang leader burns off tattoos from face

    This. My attention span is .0000000000000001 of a nano second. So needless to say I'd run out of skin long before I ran out of images I liked. Many of the guys I work with are Samoan or otherwise Polynesian so they have the traditional Ta Moko stuff going on. Many of them have gone through...
  12. M

    Security gone mad??

    o o
  13. M

    So, what did you do today?

    Awaken from sleep at 7 Ate breakfast which consisted of cinnamon toast crunch and a bagel 25 Win streak on gh3 Went to the beach Went back to pool Ate a sandwhich Here I am.
  14. M


    Maybe so, but I still maintain that it is not the same as having kids of your own. Without this knowing or understanding I fail to see how Blade can be critical of PASmith's standpoint (back on topic). Sympathy is not the same as empathy.
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    Quick Poll.

    Italian. Really now? Sorry I can appreciate an authentic Italian dish. I guess I was in the Socialist party though...
  16. M

    Islam and the cruelty of Halal. CAUTION, distressing scenes.

    The issue here is the human face. Much of our communication non-verbal comes from our faces. Liberalization for the sake of liberalization seems the issue here, where basic western values are allowed to be sacrificed. Niqabs and Burqas work because in tribal societies women don't matter. But...
  17. M

    Guy’s can never win. Or why guys hate Christmas.

    Guy Woo hoooooo I can see it coming in very handy with many of Moose's posts
  18. M

    Uk Duty

    No more Panda treats for you then!!!
  19. M

    Pig milk for human consumption... why or why not?

    To milk a cow, you have to get the cow pregnant, then either take away (or often slaughter) the calf. Waht do you propose is done with the baby when you milk people? (btw - woot! 1000th post and its about milking people!)