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  1. R

    Honesty for the above person

    Tom has a highly questionable taste in a)music and b)tight shorts but is a very nice young man
  2. R

    Jus a lil joke

    Big Rich? :confused: :dodgy:
  3. R

    Best mobile for under $150AUD?

    Hey guys! I'm getting a new mobile today.. I've been doing a bit of research. After years with my old Nokia 3100, I need a change of scenery. I'd preferably like to stick to Nokia, As i've had some good experiences with their phones in the past, and their reliable. I saw the Nokia 6085 in...
  4. R

    One shot out.

  5. R

    Thanks US Veterans

    Today's Vet's Day Thanks to all the veterans who have served their country, done their duty, sacrificed something of themselves to make the world a better place. There are those here who have served and seen action of some sort, some who still bear some scar of that, many who have lost a...
  6. R

    A stupid kid at school

    that kid is mental
  7. R

    Crocodile Hunter,Steve Irwin,Is Dead.

    I heard about the news after exercising, I was surprised. Man, it was this weekend that I seen him on t.v. Though, I knew he'd go out this way while doing that kind of work. He seemed like a compassionate and good man. RIP.
  8. R

    Hangover Help!

    A few hairs of the dog that bit you will cure whatever ails you. I reccomend Bloody Mary's sans the tobasco and worcestershire sauce,or my new favorite cure X-Rated Liqueur. Pour it over ice and sip it, much like my ex-girfriend its sweet and goes down easy. A tablespoon of vinegar does...
  9. R

    Motorcycle Enthusiasts

    Just slightly off topic – My motorcycle leathers literally saved my ass the other weekend. I was wearing my leather trousers whilst running around dark and muddy woods at a Dark Age event/role play game. I was running with a Saxon war band trying to escape down a muddy and pitch-dark path...
  10. R

    Elaborate Bank Heists

    shoot everyone. take monies.
  11. R

    Japan quake

    Hopefully that is the case. I managed to donate without issue (even allows you to update your Twitter and Facebook) but I hope people aren't put off if the server does crash. Keep trying or maybe make a phone call to donate. The Red Cross isn't a charity I've ever donated to, I've chosen my...
  12. R

    Chiropractic - Discussion of Legitimacy

    I got a chuckle, my son was leaning over my shoulder reading your post and he (a near vegetarian) said I wonder how much increase in risk eating a cheeseburger would give you???
  13. R

    Pig milk for human consumption... why or why not?

    The question is has it already been through your digestive tract (in order to get there) or was it placed there artificially (some form of slow release milk supository)?
  14. R

    Wow... and he's a Republican from Texas?!?!

    So as long as it’s consistent it doesn’t matter if it’s incoherent On that topic in the above posts I should have explained the employment/inflation trade off better: Keeping a currency at a level peg will mean banks can not lend money as cheaply and freely as they otherwise would. The...
  15. R

    Who Would Win?

    Mwahahaha eg..
  16. R

    Welcome to merrie olde Englande.....

    My wife was going to get me No31 as a joke this birthday, settled for a new PC
  17. R

    Canadian Snowday...

    Snow in Canada? Tu menteur! C'est incroyable! Actually I'm jealous
  18. R

    Late 2007 Thru Early 2008 Hunting Thread.

    Im leaving Friday night, spending the night at my brother-in-laws fathers house, then getting up at 4 in the morning to shoot my doe, for early season. Last year , this land wasnt earn a buck but for some reason they changed it. Its all good cuz does love to run by my stand.
  19. R

    What kind of evil are you?

    Poo, I was 54% and I'm lumped with the same tag as the under 50's, bah! Bah I say!