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  1. G

    Things that make you go :-)) take two!

    it would make Tennis more interesting, and Swimming. I already like Volleyball and Athletics as it is
  2. G


    well of 96% of the porn I have seen, they are circumcised . edit: the more I read this thread, the more I learn, pretty interesting actually.
  3. G

    Alcoholics Anonymous: V. with a poll!

    not a brand but more so a type of liquor. Also college kids drink heavy 5-6 times a week and I would not consider them alcoholics. In college, drinking usually equals a good time and kids like to have a good time. Although some kids are probably alcoholics the majority just drink to fit in and...
  4. G

    Thinking Exercise - Desert Island Survival

    Yeah, but there is BOUND to be food there, there is edible food almost anywhere, especially on tropical islands. My only point is that it wouldn't last very long, and wouldn't actually matter very much if there was food there.
  5. G

    Delete all your porn and stop fappin, Ban the Hand!

    Some girl gave me major blue balls at a party and well when I got home and drunk well........
  6. G

    Should I tell my friend that his boyfriend has an affair?

    You should drown friend&boyfriend in the lake, come back home and smash your PC with a sledgehammer, run 666 miles barefoot and eat dead cats. It's the right thing to do!
  7. G


    This is something i believe. My mother's younger sister passed away in her twenties from Asthma and a variety of overmedication prescribed by the doctors causing more problems with her lungs. My grandmother loves plants. And in our family we had a thing about magic (not the way you're all...
  8. G

    So there is marijuana in my walls...

    What? :crash: Lol I lol's so hard. Fuck smart parts.
  9. G

    A little request for a friend of mine...

    LOL! Oh, and voted.
  10. G

    west boro church vs R brand

    The Westboro baptist church that is. But its nice to see that this time they got trolled by Russel Brand
  11. G

    Help me name my blog!

    The burningnun is amazing blog
  12. G

    God Help Us!

    Something like that. More like they don't get too into Vietnam, the Mexican/American war, slavery, oppression of minorities (including the Italians, Irish, Africans, etc.).
  13. G

    What are you doing right now?

    wait. you use internet explorer? FOR SHAME
  14. G

    BNP Brawl

    Nonsense. Of course a disabled homosexual rapist Kenyan Jew would have black fingers. Stands to reason.
  15. G

    Friday 13th!!!

    I find Friday the 13th's to be my best and luckest day. Today I found a $100.00 bill when I stopped to don my rain jacket while riding into work.
  16. G

    Internet before google?

    What did we use to search online before google went up in '98?
  17. G

    how to put songs in your ipod?

    You download itunes from the apple site
  18. G

    Death penalty and terrorists?

    These plane hijackers that wanted to blow up flights from London to the US, why doesn't the government just put them to death? Wilson was horrifically short sighted, these people see dying as a reward and I'd think most people would grudge paying taxes to keep them alive - they should hang...
  19. G

    which cellphone which YOU rather have? 10 points?

    samsung double flip.mostly cause i have it
  20. G

    Apparently the navy want to give Prince William ...' a full a taste of

    To say that the Heir to the Throne is going to be violated by men serving our country....that has to be a hanging offense?