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    Journey in Locker Rooms

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    Am i doomed to be screwed over by women?

    Hang on a second.... you were going out with her for a month and you started sharing feelings with her??? Me, you, nordic and the knight need to have a long chat...feel free to bring a notepad. I'm only half joking in that statement. The first three months is the time to keep things...
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    Who would win in a fight: A Rabbit or a Snake

    I watched watership down the other day, bunnys are evil little beings.
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    7 Year old weighs 400 pounds!

    Ther girls clearly a born athlete, she can already butt scoot at an Eddi Bravo level at the age of 7! She'll be winning the Abu Dhabi's before you can say Popcorn. Hell, she's got a weight advantage on all the guys who've previously won the ADCC's Absolute division on top of that, seriously...
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    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    If someone is begging for food for themselves, how are they going to reliably and consistently feed their pet? They stay with them because they are leashed. Often improperly. rope, not a proper collar etc. Not always, but a lot of the time the dogs I have seen do not seem well cared for. I...
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    True. It has a lot to do with what ruskin called the 'lines of force'. The other big thing, I think, is anatomy. It's fallen a bit out of fashion lately, but I find it really helps. If you know what's there, the figure is so much easier to deal with. Not only that, but there's so much stuff you...
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    Man arrested for 2x4 labeled "High Powered Rifle"

    Man arrested for 2x4 labeled "High Powered Rifle" Not sure why you quoted the period. I had to put that in only because what I posted was in quotes and the forum software doesn't allow just a post of quotes. It wasn't to underscore any particular point about the source of the weapons. I should...
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    The Randomness Thread

    I don't think I could. Pretty sure in fact.
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    The Randomness Thread

    Randomness thread eh? This could be cool. I find it somewhat comical that the first post adds a disclaimer that we can only have this thread should no terms of service be broken. Are you guys that bad about playing nicely? Randomness: Cinnamon graham crackers, peanut butter, and M&Ms dark...
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    New Year Resolutions

    I've just started building a blog that talks about how to get control of your finances and retire early, but right now its at whacky - too many thoughts, not enough structure stage. Once it starts forming together better then perhaps I can make a little income from it, frankly the day I get $1...
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    Bangable material here?

    Teh Blonde behind her is HOTT
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    My 1,000th Post

    mine is more handsome hehehe yours seem to be a bit pale
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    Meet me and moi

    Ok there is an event next month, up in North Wales. I wont name what and where to keep in ToS but I can guarantee you a good night with plenty of beer. You will have a chance to meet myself and moi. I have deep pockets so the beer will keep flowing all night long. Now North Wales may be a...
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    No need for me to say much only that i mostly agree with him.

    I've never met a single non-peaceful Muslim, fortunately. I actually wasn't referring just to past fundies. America is plum full of 'em in many non-Muslim varieties. Turn on FOX News, the most popular televised "news" source in America to see this.
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    referendum on Europe

    No it's not. The mechanism requires a negotiation. There is no explicit right to leave. Didn't you read the link you provided? So how does a country leave the Euro?
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    The MAP edited pics thread.

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    CURRENT RELATIONS: UK, Ireland & Scottland

    CURRENT RELATIONS: UK, Ireland & Scottland Jeez, and didn't he die like 10 years ago or something... I heard the english hated the scots because they were jealous of they're kilts...
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    How do you Britons feel?

    binary ive got two views on that quite. three actually. one: good find its the exact kind of example id look at and be semi-disgusted with the legal system. 2: Defending my home would be the number one reason i'd own one. Its great that i can use reasonable force but if someone breaks into my...
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    Happy Valentines Day!

    The wife got me two packs of peanut M&Ms... not bad! I got her one of those Under Armour workout shirts -- the slick, tight ones that claim to 'dispel perspiration.' Ok, it's not romantic, but she needed it for mixed martial arts class and she was eyeing mine for awhile. Tony
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    Which of these dishes would you prefer (please indicate if you are male/female):?

    Sushi/sashimi...lets see dragon roll, tuna (of course), spider roll, eel, that caterpillar(it's like eel and avocado), spicy tuna Eyes Eloka's dish...