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  1. S


    cool man, how did you you find other people who didnt just fuck he picture up?
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    hat backward or forward?

    wow, the uk is quite different from the over here. here if they arrested people for whereing ball caps. they would be arresting. mayor guillinani ron howard some gang members rappers 40 yearolds who are going bald as well as ligit baseball fans and players.we already have over crowded...
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    Miley Cyrus hot or not?

    it's pretty funny how huge she is to kids that are like 16 and under
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    Where to buy fireworks

    yea, if you want 1 out 500 to actually work.
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    What does your avatar mean?

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    Why do we eat meat?

    Hmm, throwing meat from daily menu, no thank you Human eat meat because they are biologically predisposition do eat meat, simple as that. Our ancestors couldn't find all the necessary nutritions from plants, plus they didn't had x-box so they enjoyed a little zebra hunting It is...
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    Man arrested for 2x4 labeled "High Powered Rifle"

    Man arrested for 2x4 labeled "High Powered Rifle" I've yet to hear of any body go on a mass killing spree with a fire extinguisher.
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    ^ You have to admit though, the conclusion was a fairly reasonable one.
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    What Are The Rules For Cock Blocks?

    Dear god you're so spot on.
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    Big Foot

    Try Googling "big foot." It's actually quite easy.
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    Men, women, and sex

    Won't get much of that on map thats what happened to me a long time ago i lost trust in people. In a way I am lucky i didn't trust anyone. I'd probably still be with the loser.
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    Change the song name

    While My Guitar gently Weeps - The Beatles
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    LOLcats/caturday thread!

    Please continue off topic discussion here:
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    Baseball games are way too expensive

    I agree. Personally, the only sport I would pay to go see regular season games would be football. The post-season is fantastic, only been to one post-season game though, it was an NBA game.
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    Bike Restrictor Kit

    Sorry Mitch I didn't notice reply. Not sure about sizes I'll try find out but thanks for the offer dude
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    "Attacked by Mortal Kombat" video.

    "Attacked by Mortal Kombat" video. Hilarious.
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    Sat nav set to fail?

    HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Oh man, you kill me Thomas.
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    Tree man. Rare disease

    I want to light him on fire.
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    Injury lawyers 4u advert

    Hit the mute button? Whatever for? Her voice alone does it for me.
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    Where is Shambo?

    he's off to yahoo heaven,never gets past the pearly gates so gets sent back here.