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  1. J

    Beer Banned in Connecticut

    Well actually .... .... only the sale of “Seriously Bad Elf” beer which is a British import. The label shows an elf with a slingshot firing Christmas ornaments at Santa's sleigh. Connecticut state regulations bar alcohol advertising with images, like Santa, that might appeal to children...
  2. J

    Dude i just caught these in my backyard.....

    tie them to a bottle rocket.
  3. J

    Continuing the "awwww"s

    Continuing the "awwww"s Haha. Have fun when you guys break up. Girlfriends + animals =/= good ideas.
  4. J

    Google Image War. The P Wars.

    pb4ever, im intrested in some of your stuff, check your thread. -Rams
  5. J


    What>!?! Sorry but even though that it does not pollution, it will still produce heat from friction with the road and engine. When heat is produced, there is no way to make something cold again without using more heat. Eventually we will all die from heat death.
  6. J

    Something silly for Christmas!!

    You go girl!
  7. J

    mother put baby in microwave

  8. J

    ITT: We discuss...sideboobs!

    13 yr old boy?
  9. J

    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    Mental wasn't it!
  10. J

    I present to you.

    Can somebody caption the first pic so it says Cake dodgy A failed thread deserves a failed dodgy
  11. J

    I have a son!

    oddly enough, I used to be a night owl. No matter what I did, I would ALWAYS wind up being up all night. It strangely feels like normal again to me.
  12. J

    miss wales :D

    Why not put 4 posts in one?
  13. J

    Ban the last poster before you post

    For hating outsiders for lacking sheer nerve
  14. J

    Christmas Lists

    Hummmmm.... no thanks, I'll take the 20 years journey. Osu!
  15. J

    Photography Thread 4

    Here it is
  16. J

    Post Conundrums here:)

    You have been close enough with this and your previous posts. So ...... A man is walking on his own, across the desert. A block of ice falls off a passing plane. It hits him on the head and kills him instantly. The block of ice falls beside him and melts to a pool of water. Thanks guys...
  17. J


    Shelby? Mercedes Benz or BMW - or better yet - Austin Martin. LOL
  18. J

    The recent royal marriage, a question for Brits and non-brits alike.

    Money - specifically, tourist money Darn tootin! If the monarch goes there is no necessity for any head of state beyond the PM
  19. J

    NHS Bill

    I am never sure how to respond when I hear criticisms of opening the NHS to more private providers. I have always had a mix of NHS and private work in my practice. When I was contracted to the GP surgery I used to see patients in under 48 hours. When the NHS bureacracy stepped in the waiting...