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    Crazy Things You Have Done

    Yes but i was young and the fall wasnt the thing that really hurt.
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    Christopher Hitchens gets waterboarded.

    I'm guessing they would probably go into this having faced sensory deprivation or similar techniques too. I'm not sure what's worse as a torture, pure pain (some of the medieval or Japanese WW2 'tricks') or something than induces pure panic like this. Either way Jack Bauer has made people...
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    Any Firefighters out there

    first post made me lol
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    best places to nap at work

    Umm at my where
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    Sydney (NSW) Shout-out!

    Match point=Mei Hua
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    barefoot ftw?

    hahaha. that would be a crazy ass tatoo though.
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    The thread of GREAT phrases.....

    bamf There's going to be more shooting, more people are going to die. I didn't start it, but I mean to see it through. - Bob Swagger
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    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    Let me know if you need me to help out
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    Abortion is Wrong

    I don't pretend to have a perfect solution to this, only an opinion. Maybe we should start deep frying babies. If they taste good I may well change my opinion! Agreed.
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    What type of city do you live in?

    a dope ass ballin city mother fucker. :dodgy:
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    wow facebook

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    back to school dance

    i mean, you might as well
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    Wild accussation

    Moi was the tinman in this video. But had to leave Japan in a hurry after they found out what he did to Toto.
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    Obama and the birthers!

    I figured the reason Obama hadn't released the long form certificate was that he was born at home or some other location unattended by a doctor, so that even if he were born in Hawaii(I did believe he was born in Hawaii) his certificate would lack a physician's signature. That would have opened...
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    Boobies, Bras & Bedtime Poll *Girls Only Please*

    Boobies, Bras & Bedtime Poll *Girls Only Please* mMmm no, I was listening to Hips Don't Lie, but nice connection :p:
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    Diary of A Pessimist

    But he did, honestly. I miss him.
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    "OGame" - Intergalactic Conquest

    "OGame" - Intergalactic Conquest Yes, anyone can accept new members. I set it so that everyone can do pretty much as much as me. I can disband the alliance and kick users and fiddle with ranks, but I'm not going to do any of that anyway.
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    Palm Computers.

    You don't want a "Palm" then (i.e.: a PDA that runs PalmOS). You want something that runs "Windows CE". Anything running Windows CE should work for your needs. Mike
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    Favorite Cheese Please

    Cheese psychic, eh. That works. When it comes to worst cheese, I really, really don't like Red Leicester or Gloucester. I'm not a huge fan of vast quantities of super extra mature cheddar either. But, and I don't know if this counts, nothing can be worse than any sort of processed cheese, like...
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    What is the best way to make money on the internet?

    What are the top websites to make "easy" money on the net. I'm not saying get rich quick. Im am asking for the top sites professionals use to make real money. EXAMPLE: 1)EBAY.COM 2)CLICKBANK.COM ETC.....