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  1. B

    Things that make you go :-)) take two!

    Absolutely. Pictures prove everything.
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    Fist Fighting tips?

    Except when you fight someone who isn't 13
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    American homeowners should read this

    Wow, this just expands my distrust in anything government invloved. Where are our real conservatives, you know, ones that would stop govt expansion?
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    History Help on Abraham Lincoln!!?

    Basically Abe pulld the executive order or priviledge in regards to the press as to what could be published in the newspapers and what could not, newspapers were in their infancy at this time and govt. controls were strictly enforced, even at local levels, the order to go to war was granted...
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    Things that make you go :-)) take two!

    Vodka: it's not a drink, it's a philosophy.
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    The pope in a sex crime pickle

    Oops. No, I didn't. (MAP needs an oops type smilie.)
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    parents and non parents.

    Wait till your cat gets old and incontinent, or gets a stomach bug. Then they do crap everywhere and will try and sit on your knee whilst covered in poop. They also have no problem vomiting all over the floor when the need takes them.
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    6th Grader in my town

    Drader = redneck way of saying dradle, obviously.
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    Yes. Shooting buffalo was fun.
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    Lab Chimps Play in the Sun for the First Time

    The H in HIV stands for Human. Chimps are not human so they can carry the virus but never become affected. They can't catch the virus it has to be injected. The experiment was possibly to see how the virus gestated or something. Also Chimps are not monkeys they are apes, entirely different...
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    Demotion for Crying & Quiting

    discipline.....comes with time and maturity. They won't have it right away. Think of your own little son. You probably know this. and how to help him learn discipline.
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    Is running regularly unnatural for humans?

    Interesting. I think the best way to run is to run from childhood, regularly, nomatter where you do it. Unfortunately since it isn't necessary, kids don't run regularly. Sure, they do in short bursts but I'm talking about actual running, not duck duck goose, ya know?
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    This Guy Needs Help

    We need to get 2 Mechaphiles together and a twin exahust car.... Hawt.
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    Whitney Houston - RIP

    My first though was, "don't do drugs", but maybe that is far too harsh. She has had a sometimes difficult life including domestic abuse and financial difficulties, so maybe it is better that she is remembered for the good times and beautiful voice. RIP Whitney.
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    You're like a right-wing caricature of a liberal. No pragmatism at all.
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    love this girls hair

    I seen a girl with blue and pink hair on the bus today. It didn't look as good though :p:
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    Sarah Palin

    Oh my God, she's worse than Bush, they havn't even been elected yet and she's already talking about the possibility of War with Russia. Not even Cheney is that delusional.
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    Opinion: Critical thinking should be taught starting with elementary school

    As all the school exam results have just come out in the UK to the yearly cries that the exams are getting easier and/or the children are taught only to pass exams, this seems a timely topic. Critical thinking is obviously good, but to teach it without spending more on teaching time means...