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    Scots check in
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    family question

    Under the age of 18 or not, as long as you are under your parent's roof it is their rules unless you are paying rent.
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    What is the worst thing you could hear at a gay bar?

    i was going to do that, oh and now that we got the answer..... what do we do now? thread hijack?
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    Who wants to be a pirate?

    well....thrown all the mircosh-te down to davey jones locker! arr! 'as to be good stuff tho'! arr! Bilge-pump 2004 (anti-virus software) Porthole ver1.1 (operating system) Arr!! vam-pyrat? I like it! arrr! no where's that other bottle?
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    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    Fish, I don't really know what your going through, and I probably can't understand it either. However, if you may permit me, I hope you overcome any obstacles you are facing and I sincerely hope you feel and get better.
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    Things that make you go :-)) take two!

    reading god-emperor of dune. how did i ever spend so much time without reading it?
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    tranny? :dodgy:
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    you would get an A in her class
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    The real Elizabeth Bathory?

    Another interesting historical rumor, Michael Bright in his book Man Eaters states that hired killers in medaeval Europe dressed in animal skins and used an iron claw to kill their victims, which may be how the werewolf myth got started.
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    eugenics thread.

    ^ I'm actually all in favor of parenting licenses; mostly because because I know too many people barely fit to take care of a Tamagochi, let alone an actual child. I just find people arguing for policies working directly against them humorous in a "sailor drowned in his own bathtub" kind of way.
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    Opinion of Previous users Avatar

    After this incident, Johnny's mom stopped hanging the wet laundry out to dry.
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    Global Population: The planet at 7 billion

    Osu, There are several problems discussed at the same time here: - Today's situation is very clear: there is enough food for everyone; it does not have to be you or me, it can be you and me. The fact that we allow 15% of the world population to starve is not new... The problem is logistics...
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    What kind of cologne/deodorant do you use?

    old spice deoderant at my moms davidoff cool water cologne at my moms speedstick deoderant at my dads and sean john unforgivable at my dads and right guard spray after PE
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    U.s. No Gas Day

    I personally think that we should not do this protest. lets tell our politicians that we dont care about gas prices! Our bitching and moaning is why we keep going to war!
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    No need for me to say much only that i mostly agree with him.

    So thugs and idiots. At the risk of Godwin-ing the thread. Not all Nazis were evil. In fact, 95%+ of the members of the Nazi party were just ordinary Germans who wanted living standard in Germany to increase and thought the Nazis were the best option...but it was that benign 95% who gave the...
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    Thank you Australia!

    Most likely. These days though it's quite likely that any picture of a celebrity is heavily doctored in some fashion before being put in the media. But the amount of modification there as opposed to, say, here, is clearly much greater, or at least it seems to me. I've heard people who've...
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    UK Car(s) Question

    Right guys, heres hoping you can be of some service here. Next month I start a new job which will require me to get my own set of wheels. I'm looking for something in the budget 7-9k region (pref 0% finance) and won't complain about a reasonable amount of distance driving regulalry. Any body...
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    Friday the 13 history

    The Olsen twins were born on Friday 13th. No mere coinkydink there...
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    My artwork

    Gumby got his butt kicked when he made fun of my nail polish.
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    Lion eats man!

    I am rather surprised no one has posted a video yet....