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  1. W

    Where do you work?

    Fast Parts Inc. Developed an inventory system(Fast Parts) for car salvage yards, got bought out by I do PC repairs and builds for costumers, software support, shipping, and manage customer databases. Pretty nice job for being 18.
  2. W

    Do you like the person above you?

    What! Are you kidding me?
  3. W

    Pitbull eats babies toes.
  4. W

    What will I catch?

  5. W

    media bias

    This could be expanded to other intelligence agencies in other countries. The point being made is that politicians seem to switch points of view instantly with no explaination and the media does not call them on it. In the example Bush was against nation building and Gore thought Saddam was...
  6. W

    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    the hairy toes are the proof!
  7. W

    Halo 2

    Does anybody here play HALO 2 on Xbox live?
  8. W

    need some help from you college expirenced folks!

    Okay, so here's my dileofftopic. I'm down to 2 universities to pick from. Forgetting tuition (I don't know how much in financial aid I'll be getting yet ) and location and what not, lets focus on the programs. One University is Loyola University Chicago. The way they teach is to approach the...
  9. W

    A LOT two words!

    Well if you guys had done it right the first time, we wouldn't be forced to fix it.
  10. W

    april fools ideas for my class

    Play a joke on your self and then pretend to get mad about it. Say that if the person who did it doesn't come forward the whole class has detention. Since nobody did it nobody will come forward and then tell the whole class to stay after. End of the day say April fools.
  11. W

    Do you have a crush on anyone here on TSR...

    I have a man-crush on a guy with a completely awesome sig :love: Why do I always refer to a crush as a man-crush? :S
  12. W


    I have a celtic knot on my right arm. I have been toying with the idea of getting another one for a few years now, but as I'm not certain I'll not get it yet...I do fancy one that'd cover the top of my left arm, the left side of my chest and back, though.
  13. W

    Should the current monetary system be abolished?

    To jorvic, yes that's what I'm getting at, it is a big ponzi scheme, creating money out of thin air cannot be sustained. I agree debt is necessary, an economy based on debt is unsustainable IMO, as it seems to be failing.
  14. W

    Arizona shooting

    Then why don't you explain to us what exactly you meant when you decided to longer participate in the argument for fear of being banned? Normally I like your arguments, but the last few pages are cringing to read.
  15. W

    British government department loses the details of 25 million people

    Pretty sure you could do some serious harm with this.
  16. W

    I am the greatest Arcade player ever!

    Tetris? I am so giving my mum my login details
  17. W

    Awesome Arm Wrestling Machine.

    I'd never trust a Chihuahua! We had family friend that owned one named Tiger. Evil little spawn of Satan was old, no teeth, and could barely walk. But when the owner said: "Get 'em Tiger!" The beast would start barking and growling at you. Though the bark sounded more like a cough then...
  18. W

    Frequent pictures of killed people are shown.

    LOL I don't read The Sun. You seem to be labouring under the belief that you're the only one with access to the "truth" about the situation in Iraq. These halfassed analogies you keep making are getting more and more laughable. We don't need liberating from Tony Blair. We already live in a...
  19. W

    Does Obama REALLY think that we should invade Pakistan, a nuclear-weapons state?

    According to a YAHOO! NEWS quote of Obama, he said,..."so we actually start going after al-Qaida in Afghanistan and in the hills of Pakistan like we should have been doing in the first place." ( See .) Besides being...