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  1. B

    The Confession Thread

    Thank you It's fun to do, making your own weapons.
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    Sydney blacks itself out

    Yes it has. I'm confused just forget it.
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    All things perogies!

    im norwegian... should i know about these? i like to think of myself as a VIKING =]
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    Little video of me

    Na, it's not hard if you have it set up on the comput
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    College Freshman?

    coming from Tennessee?
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    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    grrr at my abs still hurting. i could have worked out today ಠ_ಠ. will wait until tomorrow and do a full routine, though, no need to rush things.
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    WOW Jessica Beil

    Yeah she was awesome in Blade Trinity. Darn hot.
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    Guess the Bands

    Seal (Band?) The Audience
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    Gaddafi is dead

    Oh god, I've said something right wing Now I feel ill...
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    Swan reunited with it's boat companion

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    Mind trick picture.

    I'm shitting fucking bricks right now broooooooooo!
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    What is it with cheap all you can eat buffets

    Totally agree! If I'm going to an all-you-can-eat, that's what I intend to do. I'll not eat anything for the whole of the day and then it's open season on the food!
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    martial arts + geeks

    I fit in with just about anyone. To me a geek is a person who is a social outcast. There is one geek and he gets hell at my tkd school for being a fool. I think of a geek as a fool really. A nerd is different they hang out in bunches and are usually obsessed by something like star trek. Nerds...
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    How much do you get into Christmas?

    modern cynical logicians, REPRESENT! used to love it as a kid, and then i got hit in the face with the reality that it was all a lie, and hated it for a little bit, then i liked it for the presents, then i stopped giving a rat's ass about pretty much all festivities (i don't even like my own...
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    Wikileaks - your opinion?

    Thanks for the citations. I'm not familiar with these so I can't speak with any authority. As a Social Studies teacher, however, I can comment on your mention of a "ruling class". Perhaps this will help expand my point. Prior to both the French and Russian Revolutions, the populations of both...
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    Gang jump gay police trainee

    Boom...holyheadjch knocked that one out of the park. Damn religion really does infect the mind. I don't like homosexuals I don't like Muslims. You see what I did there? In a single sentence showed your point of view up as being retarded? You're welcome. At least Muslims choose to believe...
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    What is this picture from?

    Um its an avatar for someone who is on the scenario/big game thread cousins game NJ
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    Cybernation V5.0

    I'm currently at 3999.99 infra and make 4.2kk when collecting taxes and about 3kk after.
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    Illegal to insult Islam?

    you cant argue with what the video does show. the attacks happened and they weere performed because of their islamic beliefs. im not saying all muslims are violent i know gheyre not. but if the koran says kill all non believers doesnt that mean people like al quada are actually just true muslims?