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  1. <3tMileyCyrusFant<31

    Top Ten Reasons Hockey Is Better Than Sex???

    I never could stand hockey! Ugh!
  2. <3tMileyCyrusFant<31

    Is it a boy or just a wives tale?

    its what ever your blessed with good luck
  3. <3tMileyCyrusFant<31

    Where would be the best place for a single black female to find a single black man with no kids?

    Where would be the best place for a single black female to find a single black man with no kids? Junior High
  4. <3tMileyCyrusFant<31

    If a woman engages in consensual sex, feels remorse for her actions but does not express them to her partner?

    If a woman engages in consensual sex, feels remorse for her actions but does not express them to her partner? The key words here are "Engaged in Consensual Sex." The man in this case did not force, threaten, or even assault the woman into having sex. Did not impair with drugs or alcohol or...
  5. <3tMileyCyrusFant<31

    Should I reply or IGNORE his text?

    As long as he knows your chasing him he won't give you the time of day. You'll just be a jump off. Don't play yourself. Let it go.
  6. <3tMileyCyrusFant<31

    Should I reply or IGNORE his text?

    You should ignore him. You can try find your love from They are many great guys with verified photos who are seaching for true love. I've just met my love there. Good luck.
  7. <3tMileyCyrusFant<31

    Need advice on Boy name! Pick your favorite?

    i like the first one best
  8. <3tMileyCyrusFant<31

    My husband said I am like the old tootsie roll commercials regarding sex?

    You may need to compromise some on this. It's obvious your level of desire and his are different. Get some books and see if there are other ways to satisfy your needs with him that will be less of a strain on him.
  9. <3tMileyCyrusFant<31

    Are you sick of annoying people in Y!A ?

    Some bug me, others just make me smile.
  10. <3tMileyCyrusFant<31

    Are you sick of annoying people in Y!A ?

    yes, why be here if all you weant to do is cause trouble! cant get that one
  11. <3tMileyCyrusFant<31

    what zodiac sign has the best sense of humor?

    gemini.... its true... my gemini frens are like that...
  12. <3tMileyCyrusFant<31

    iphone or pink blackberry pearl?

    pink blackberry pearl they are more cute for a girl the iphone is to long and big more for a guy
  13. <3tMileyCyrusFant<31

    iphone or pink blackberry pearl?

  14. <3tMileyCyrusFant<31

    How Is This Possible? [Last Cheesy Riddle]?

    someone pushed him while he was on a skateboard/ seriously, this is the best answer, other than "he lied", to the person on the answer before me!!!