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  1. J

    Shootings in Virginia

    w00t! BBQ in full force!
  2. J

    What Are

    Never doing any of my homework for my English teacher, it works pretty good.
  3. J

    According to Car and Driver, an Alfa Romeo going 70 mph requires 177 feet to stop.

    Assuming that the stopping? this is a calculus question!
  4. J

    Ugliness of women . . . .

    From experience I can tell you that is the worst time to explain why women can't throw.
  5. J

    The World Cup

    A bit late, but... Ya, the US-Czech game was pretty boring after watching the Mexico-Iran game and the Angola one. Mexico was awesome. I was surprised Iran was holding out so long, but Mexico was bound to score eventually.
  6. J

    Global Warming: An end to War?

    Aaah, nothing like the Bronx on an August night! medi, during the last episode of global warming, the Vikings did not skip along the beaches holding handing singing songs of peace, love, and hemp. The weather allowed them to do more killing, looting and raping in more places. It gets plenty...
  7. J

    Learners Permit.

    Haw haw, I got my for you.
  8. J

    Holiday vegetarian rant...

    Yeah, but as karma would have it Yoda would get an infection in his hand from their meat infected teath and lose his hand.
  9. J

    What is your city famous for?

    Canton, Ohio Pro football hall of fame (sucks dick, never go there) Use to be little Chicago (trains would go from New York to Chicago, and stop here as the half way point (way back in the 20's-30's) We also use to be one of the largest brick manufactures in the US. This was before the over...
  10. J

    Legends of the Hidden Temple: Summer 2008

    I lol'd Tony ftw
  11. J

    Will people respond to anything?

    Great work, people 731 more posts to go. . . 730. . . edit: 729, Snorri snuck an extra one in there while I was typing this.
  12. J

    Imagining the Tenth Dimension

    what a great way to sell a book. Base it on something nobody knows about, so you can make up whatever the fuck you want and have people believe it and buy it.
  13. J

    Women and Sexy Sports Uniforms!

    Wait a minute, before all us males get bashed, I seem to remember Kickchick posting about watching sweaty muscular wrestlers a while back!!!!!
  14. J

    stupidest stuff anyones ever said to you

    We were in History class and we were talking about how Magellan circumnavigated the globe by mistake, and the teacher was like, "He was lost because no man had been to the southern hemisphere and navigated before." and one girl goes,"Well why didn't the co-captain help him?" She has said a lot...
  15. J

    A reason not to drink and drive this Christmas

    I've seen that before as well, it definetly makes you think. I reckon they should make it illegal to drink and drive regardless of how much you have drunk, because if your light and have not eaten all day even one drink can impact upon your reaction times e.t.c and its definetly not a risk that...
  16. J

    LG Rumor 3-way call help?

    I was calling my friends, and I was uing the 3 way call feature. I had 2 of my friends on the same line, and they told me to call another person, so I called them, and they didn't pick up. So I pressed the end button, and it ended all of the lines! What do you press so that it doesn't end all...
  17. J

    LG Rumor 3-way call help?

    I was calling my friends, and I was uing the 3 way call feature. I had 2 of my friends on the same line, and they told me to call another person, so I called them, and they didn't pick up. So I pressed the end button, and it ended all of the lines! What do you press so that it doesn't end all...
  18. J

    What's the best way to insult somebody's sense of humor on the internet?

    If somebody misses an obvious joke, what is the best way to chastise them for getting all serious about it? That's a fairly good point "Jen" unless everybody but the subject of the joke gets it. I'm talking about when one person doesn't get the joke.
  19. J

    US use torture?

    I don't doubt Nazi POW camps did that, but wheres the link? bear in mind that A) We are not Nazi Germany, B) Nazi Germany no longer exists, and C) There are a number of Nazi habits that arent reeeaally practiced anymore... But surely if Tony Blair was controlled by a mind slug, he'd silence...
  20. J

    How do I use a custom ringtone on the LG Rumor?

    I saved my custom ringtone that I cropped and cut myself onto my micro SD card and all it lets me do is listen to it on my media player. I am well aware of the fact that I'm supposed to have my ringtone in My Contents but I have absolutely no idea how to get it there. I read some entries that I...