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  1. D

    Presidents need wars.

    I always gaff as to whether Turkey is Middle East or Europe. That's one of those ideological divide issues. But, as I think I acknowledged, there are also democratic structures, with varying degrees of power in many ME countries. Iran, for example, has a president and regularly holds elections...
  2. D

    How to approach hot girl?

    Actually you should: 1. Approach her in the hall preferably. Just be passing by and notice her. 2. Walk up and confidently say "Hey, my name is ______...and (get big smile) I've heard that you think I'm cute." 3. Depending on the reaction judge the best course of action. I would think she...
  3. D

    Capital Punishment

    when ever this debate gets hashed up again I am always wondering which type of punishment costs the taxpayer more? Capital punishment or life in prison? Surely there have been studies. I say whatever is cheaper. How much could a bullet possibly cost?
  4. D

    Movie from 40s or 50s about a guy who traded stuff?

    There was this old movie from the 40s or 50s about a dude who had no income and the IRS was checking up on him. He had a lot of stuff but he got it by trading. It reminded me of Ma and Pa Kettle but it was NOT one of their movies,
  5. D

    Rate the poster above you

    Kinda always thought he was a faggot, but I like him alright.
  6. D

    Just why?

  7. D

    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    Um well they do leave out the best bit. The FAT! That's all your body wants. Nice juicy fat. Brain fule that stuff is. Absolutely essential for the brain to function properly. Did you think it was just coincidence geeks go from skinny weeds as adolescents to hulking blubber factories as adults?
  8. D

    Have you ever attempted suicide?

    i voted "yes :dodgy:", which i assume means "no".
  9. D

    Could you kill someone?

    If I would benefit people by taking lives that are evil I would. (Example being Boondock saints, killing mob leaders.)
  10. D

    Names of inhabitants of the U.K.

    I really cannot understand this. There's a thread about names of uk inhabitants and nobody has yet referred to us Yorkshire folk. ITS ONLY THE BIGGEST BLOODY COUNTY IN THE UK. Sorry did I shout? Anyway us that reside in the fair county of Yorkshire (where do you think I got Yoksha from?) are...
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    Opinion of Previous users Avatar

    "I'm going to ask you nicely. once. Please bring back my chest, arms and legs."
  12. D

    Bigamny now legal in the uk!

    Reply on this limited point... depends where you were married, and where you are going. For example, UK marriages are recognised in New Zealand (where I live), and vice versa. Marriages from some other countries, however, are not recognised and you do have to get remarried in NZ under NZ law...
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    I would hope it was Japanese propaganda. Sounds like the rape of Nanking. Also even a fine sword needs sharpening after a number of cuts and I imagine terrified and defeated civilians would not put up much resiststance. NOT a record to be proud of. regards koyo
  14. D

    Mountain Dew FTW?

  15. D

    Did you know

    No way... i never assumed you were a student of the flea.
  16. D

    Same crap logo - same crap company

    Oh, great. Now that's all I can see. But, what the hell? I could do better than either of those in 15 minutes with MS paint and a trackball mouse with a ball that's sticky and covered in dust.
  17. D

    The phrase "HaTeRz" and the idiots that use it.

    The phrase "HaTeRz" and the idiots that use it. The harpoons, man them!
  18. D

    [POLITICS] We are now represented by racists!!

    you obviously dont know alot of polish people, most of the poles i know ( and i do happen to know alot) live in a shared bed sit with 2 or more other poles. but you would rob a modern day kid from doing the say?
  19. D

    Area 51
