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  1. F

    trying to find old and deleted pages on a website?

    I've tried and cached pages but I need to recover some deleted pages on a blog of a person who owes me money to find the original document stating terms and conditions. Under this page there was a call out for artists to...
  2. F

    Luke, I am...

    What brought this up? Is there yet another Star Wars remake going on? The Force Unleashed was passable but so not worth the hype... What we need is Star Peace and not Star Wars. - Mikhail Gorbachev Anyways, to continue along your sentence: ...the state. - Louis the 14th of France ...too...
  3. F

    How to transfer torrents to iTunes?

    torrents show up as downloads on ur computer just drag the file onto itunes
  4. F

    Why do we have to pay for Obama's vacations?

    Why doesn't he use his own money for vacations and why do tax payers get stuck with the bill instead? He knows we're in economic crisis and instead of solving the problem, he worsens it by spending millions of dollars on himself. Should there be a law saying that the president cannot use tax...
  5. F

    A site dedicated to torrents for Mac?

    I have no idea why there would be sites dedicated to torrents for mac. However if you want my advice, Torlock is the best site for torrents.
  6. F

    Gun Control

    That isn't the way the military (or at least not the military I was in) is trained to act. Narcsarge will probably say the same about the police. In all honesty, I am far more likely, and can statistically be proven, to die from a doctor botching a surgery than being shot by a police...
  7. F

    How do i connect my wifi to lg bluray 3d box?

    I went to setting,network and then connection settings and it said "please check USB dongle connection" i dont know what to do please help!!! I selected wireless connection then it said "please check USB dongle connection
  8. F

    Honda/acura integra, toyota mr2, Nissan s14?

    just want to know the specs and which one is faster
  9. F

    Public works

    Anyone ever worked public works before? How much did you make hourly?
  10. F

    Saddam Hussein sentenced...

    give the families of those he killed a whip and let them have him!!
  11. F

    To anyone who has been in a long term relationship. Am I a controlling BF?

    Trust has never been an issue. I trust her completely and she trusts me. I am not worried about her cheating on me. The problem is that we wont get to see eachother hardley at all, and also that it really gets me down when she goes out clubbing. Control is a word which has been a major problem...
  12. F

    UFC-Who won lyoto machida or jones ?

    machida fought jones at ufc 140 who won the fight and how did they win
  13. F

    Where can i get free ringtones for my windows phone?

    i have a windows kin where can i get free ringtones that will work for this type of phone with no download
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    can i put apps on my blackberry torch?

    im getting a blackberry torch and i want to know if i can download apps on it?
  15. F

    Anybody know of a app or website that let's u see soccer games on the iPad?

    The websites I usually use for the desktop don't work. So please?anyone know of a website? Thanks...
  16. F

    First Beer

    First beer to myself, 14 at a regatta party with adults. I was just fed drinks all night. First beer with family, 16 on a ski trip.
  17. F

    Telepathy , telepathy is possible???

    although oddly he has the genitalia of a GI Joe in my cosmic plane