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  1. G


    Whoa. I don't think I could do that.
  2. G


    Big question: was Timo Glock told over the radio to shift his behind and let them through? Well done to Vettel though too I laughed my back off with Ferrari celebrating and not watching the screens
  3. G

    The Confession Thread

    You're hoping he explodes?
  4. G


    Me: do u do things sexually to satan? God: Yeah I do a lot of things sexually to satan. Me: such as God: For example, a tomato. Me: testicles. God: Are we still talking about masturbation? Me: oh u dong... God: And? Thanks for the information: i fucked satan with a tomato said I dong...
  5. G

    Who wants to be a pirate?

    Who's in charge here? I want to be a pirate! Where do I sign up? Is there a dental plan?
  6. G

    Post a pic of yourself! #8983475890

    Mmm na ill let my cancer do that.
  7. G

    The abortion limit

    Yes, foetuses have survived at 24 weeks, 18% apparently. But this is SURVIVED. Doesn't mean they won't have massive mental/physical disabilites - which I think you don't mind aborting for? ie if you think it's ok for a mother to abort a downs-baby on those grounds, i'm not sure why your...
  8. G

    pissing on the tolet?

    Do you do it? For me only in the morning or very late at nigh when im not fully awake.
  9. G

    7 July

    7 / 7 Remember the families those injured and those that were killed.
  10. G

    Circumcision reduces chances of HIV infection by 60%, says World Health Organization

    For the last time people... WASH YOUR NOB! there is a lot of money being wasted trying to prove something is marginally better when all you need to do is have basic effing standards of cleanliness. If you get bacteria and infection in your meat and two veg you were either sticking it where it...
  11. G

    Or just blow things up

    LOL Smurfy! I'm terrible at this game.
  12. G

    Future Tech

    The first one I can help you with. It's called Barr's Irn-Bru. Imitations do exist. But poor imitations they are.
  13. G

    Would like to speak with some Aussies

    start at surfers paradise on the goldcoast
  14. G

    Islamists and AKs but not scarey at all

    lol unfortunate
  15. G

    ConDem Housing Policy?

    Well the discussion was originally about the ConDems housing policy. Last I checked everybody has to pay some sort of rent or mortgage. So why should part time workers be excluded? This policy will affect everybody to one degree or another.
  16. G

    how happy are you on a scale of 1-10

    I've had a nice tea of toad in the hole and chips and im here with my beer, soon off to SU bar for more beer, I am one happy lass for now. I would say 8 cos i could have more money and a better passion wagon that the one I drive around in now
  17. G

    Am I really THAT unattractive? ;/

    DeanK22 - I know it was a joke but honestly if you didn't say anything afterwards I would've though you meant it seriously. Just take into consideration that some people may be sensitive ... And to the OP, no you're not ugly at all :)
  18. G

    Tales of luck, be them good or bad!

    9/10/11.. the great flood in my office. constuction workers busted a pipe for the fire sprinkler system in my building and flooded my office. that sucked.