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  1. R

    How angry have you ever gotten?

    Broke both the controllers, broke the tv clickers. Came close to braking my phone, I threw one of those rolly video game chairs into my wall and put a hole in it. Some other shit.
  2. R

    Things that make you go :-)) take two!

    Well being a fish you might want to conserve those brain cells.
  3. R

    How Is Ur Day?

    :tup: :dodgy: :facepalm: :idea: :evilgrin: :)
  4. R

    How Is Ur Day?

  5. R

    Why Are Women Aggressive?

    I'll give you a kiss aikiwolf because you're partially right. Scarlet Mist has it 100% correct I'm just aggressive when someone tries to take away my power. Oh and when I train MA because the guys have given me the confidence and encouraged me to be a little psycho. Otherwise I'm a cupcake...
  6. R

    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    Grrrrrr ScottUK being on the other side of the country to me. Been looking at his new dojo and opening night pics and wish there was somewhere like that round here!
  7. R

    girl trouble

    Luckily with most of my early relationships the girl has made the move on me, makes things far easier and at least then you know she's keen.
  8. R

    parents and non parents.

    Actually it's not, it's becoming less common. More highly educated people tend to be more inclusive and compassionate and less violent, typically, and each generation is smarter than the last, fairly substantially. Think about how much less socially acceptable it is to be bigoted today than it...
  9. R

    I have a son!

    Really Blade? I think you could probably shelve your issue with babies long enough to simply say "congrats." Or bypass a thread the intent of which is quite clearly to celebrate a baby.
  10. R

    How much do you really use.

    Well let's look at this a little, now if you want to shovel shit for a living then you'd probably don't need very much education or if you flip burgers then you might need some math and English. Now a surgeon will need much more education than the last two and a rocket scientist need a lot of...
  11. R

    Interestings things about your parents

    where do I begin? My father was a relentlessly self-improving boulangerie owner from Belgium with low grade narcolepsy and a penchant for buggery. My mother was a fifteen year old French prostitute named Chloe with webbed feet. My father would womanize, he would drink. He would make outrageous...
  12. R

    Fav. AIM convos

  13. R

    Kate from the apprentice, where is she now?

    She's got a job presenting on Channel 5? :S more than I can say for most people tbh. And who gives a rats arse, she gets paid to sit around and look pretty on televesion. What does Yasmeena do? Manage a department responsible for computer monitors in dentist practices =.=" /thread.
  14. R

    Stanley Cup

    Always wanted to run the line in one of those games,I was a ref in the UK. Hm too late now.Pity it looks like fun. David
  15. R

    Panetta on Congressional Approval

    Absolutely, but what happens is the political games and posturing from each side and when the president then claims that congress isn't supporting the 'fighting men' it makes them look bad. Once an action has begun its difficult to just walk away.
  16. R

    Photography Thread....

    i lke your pic's keep 'em coming
  17. R

    Wikileaks - your opinion?

    as I said before the news company who employed those two reporters said its pretty common place for people to have AK 47's in Afghanistan EDIT:Iraq, doesn't necessarily mean there terrorists. I can't be sure having never been there but it wouldn't surprise me if that was the case.
  18. R

    *The Original TSR Sexy Biatch Society*

    This IS the thread to be in
  19. R

    Rate the Avatar and Sig of the other person

    Jabcrosshook... Avatar: 8, I like thaiboxers... Sig: 8... t3h d34d1y is da bizznizz... :P, the quote is cool too...
  20. R


    we don't even have AC fucking historic site