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  1. M

    Would you ever go out with someone on ihav?

    Would you ever go out with someone on TSR? I would go out with a person I've met in real life who just happens to be on ihav :rolleyes: Not the other way around though, don't really like the idea of initiating relationships via the internet, it's way too creepy and also a bad habbit to get...
  2. M

    i just put my penis in a milkshake then drank the milkshake

    Does this make me gay?
  3. M

    How to wrestle a giant octopus - instructional

    live from Japan! actually... I call BS... if that was in the water... that chubby Japanese dude would be one dead chubby Japanese dude.
  4. M

    help with graduation speech

    Write something about how HS is the best part of your life n some shit along those lines n how much you will miss your school even if u wont
  5. M


    My wold shirt gets me laid.
  6. M

    K... Its about that time.... X-MAS!

    Nice try, Mr Jackson!
  7. M

    How old is I <3 T3H BUTTSECKS

    How old is I <3 T3H BUTTSECKS The only thing they win at is attracting all the hot, stupid chicks. I go down the street to learn and then go to laurier to party :tup:
  8. M


    got it there sunday, it's been washed since then but didn't come out. I've washed it twice and let it dry. It's now had bleach and soaking in cold water, but it's still there.
  9. M

    Palestenian-Israeli Conflict

    Ever hear the phrase that sometimes when you get what you asked for, it isn't what you wanted? Hamas and the PLO have tried to get something, but have been less than successful. If they really want peace, they will not get what they want until they give up their violence. At this point, I...
  10. M

    Things that make you go :-)) take two!

    No i need them all to wax my toes. They is very hairy
  11. M

    new york is the worst city on the planet

    Terrorist=Fail You piss me off in a way words cannot even describe.
  12. M

    Would you ever? Thread

    Not unless involved some kind of profit.
  13. M

    Whats the funniest place to fart in?

    Good night sweet prince.
  14. M

    Anyone have a cool job where they only work like 2 days a week?

    I work at a university making food for $12.49 an hour. Two 8-hour shifts per week = about $180 after taxes.
  15. M

    The coffee thread.....

    Yeah Gaggia makes some nice machines and there are a couple other Italian brands that you can get pretty much world wide that are really good quality. These days we don't often think of passing things on to our children... lol... but... some of the manual machines are so well made it's possible...
  16. M

    If you had 1 hour to live?

    i would go to compton and hold up a 'coon hunting expedition' sign
  17. M

    Honesty about outrage or civility?

    If you got into an argument with someone, who started making irrational claims you strongly dislike, would you rather maintain civility and attempt to change their mind with reason or would you be honest about feeling outraged by such intellectual dishonesty by someone who should know better?
  18. M

    What do you do when online?

    I work in networking, so I'm always online. Unfortunately MAP is blocked in work so I don't access it apart from lurking from my phone on occassion.
  19. M

    The MAP edited pics thread.

  20. M

    Animal conspiracy

    and it only took me five minutes