Search results

  1. D

    IMing the wrong person

    This one time, I met a foreign child who was almost completely sure that he once licked the underside of his scrotum. Amazing, no?
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    Watchful Neighbors

    hahahah that sounds like something my mom would say. :tup: to your mom.
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    people that look like a tmnt

    nice cameltoe :dodgy:
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    Abortion is Wrong

    It's not something I know a lot about, but I was under the impression they are not really profit-making enterprises anymore (since the death of empire). At some point the public ends up paying for it, whatever obfuscation they use to cook the books. I can't help but think we could profit more...
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    Where can i find a torrent of this?

    i am trying to find a torrent download for Rangerig's Renderings DVD, if anyone can tell me where to find one please do. and i would like a link to one rather than just a site that i can search on please and thank you
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    Why are leftists still whining about right wingers wanting Obama to prove that he...

    With Republican Chairmanship of the Committee's will come a "new" period and phase in Congress of OPEN and PUBLIC Hearings, asking penetrating and probing questions, NOT the limpwrist "dog and pony" circus the Democrats have conducted the past 4 years. And ALL who provide testimony will be under...
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    Does using the word "teabaggers" make liberals feel funny, creative,...

    CAUTION: Answering this question may require a liberal to seek out an encyclopedia, misspell it and provide an embarrassing answer. Answer: It seems to have become a "keystone" of the liberal mind set.
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    I feel like I'm gonna die

    I just ate a whole cherimoya. It was good, but now I feel like I'm gonna die. Maybe I shouldn't have eaten the skin.
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    Shakugan no shana question?

    how far through the light novels is the anime. ie where in the light novels does the second season of the anime end.
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    So shocked and disgusted

    Child abuse and molestation is the lowest form of crime in the world. Nothing can possibly be worse than taking advantage of a helpless human being that simply don't know any better. I just heard some terrible news that has me feeling sick to my gut. I will be disclosing some information that...
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    How to make ringtones on the samsung reality?

    I recently got the samsung reality and needs help making ringtones for it. Ok so i need to know how to make ringtones with your own songs and put them on your samsung reality. Before I had the LG rhythm ad made ringtones for it with ventones. I can not figure out how to make ringtones with...
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    I got nicknamed Badger coz my head is as bald as a badgers ass
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    For the Veterans - First Post(s)!!!

    Gee! It's been such a long time, I can't believe how much my posts have changed Cain's first post On the 15th of october....almost a year |Cain|
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    Is there really such a thing as a premonition?

    of course they are real. i have them all the time. also, it's perfectly normal for people to have them.
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    Shall I open my A-level results on TSR...

    PAKORA!pakora!pakora! lol actually omg omg omg Mj! - my mum made pakoras last year on my results day lol - i am sooo head chef!
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    Check out my states food. West Coast = Jealous.

    Texas BBQ is primarily beef right?
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    Travelling - where to go, what to do

    The Duck and Drake on Kirkgate in Leeds has a great choice of ales. That's a start.
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    I found a baby bird!

    I thought someone had insider info or something....
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    Do DVD+R Discs Fuck up the Wii Laser ?

    No.The only way to mess p the lens is to put something in it to scratch it.
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    Favorite Cheese Please
