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  1. T

    I have no clue...

    Maybe he's onto to something, think about it your driving down the road and you think "Man, I'd really like a steak..." He's just one sudden brake maneuver from a whole lot of steak tartar. BTW: Do you think he'll get his deposit back on the rental car?
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    Petition to Bring Pankration to London 2012!

    I think that you are missing the point here. The only thing that count's is to represent your country in a "dipolmatic"way. He is the mair of London,but will be seen by manny as the representatif of the UNITED KINGDOM,even if he isen't,and that's my point.
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    You'll always be a rippling Iranian flag named Democracy to me.
  4. T

    Some people....

    How would "Bob" know you called if she didn't tell him? Could be you're right, but my gut read of this is that she's a little freaked and asked a friend to help get you off her back. Either way, you're in a pickle if you value this girl's friendship. Were I you, I'd take a step back and...
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    The blatant lies thread

    You're not sniffing a trash heap there buddy.
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    Can I trust nokia 800 lumia marketplace when buying xbox games on my cellphone?

    I would like to buy a game that costs 5 euros(it's called "ZOMBIES!!!") but I don't understand why can't I pay with my cellphone credits? can I really give the number of my credit card to buy this game,is there a chance that I will be tricked and that it will steal all my money from the credit...
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    Summer Jobs

    Not really summer job just a job but I have an interview next week for a job at an arena.
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    just wondering...

    They'll never make any of us a mod. :(
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    Fun zombie-killing flash game

    The revolver is 2 shot kill.
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    My beautiful husky and this winter?

    Here is something my Shepherd/Husky mix ( named Wesley) loves. When is starts to snow, I have these bundle of rags, tied to the end of some parachute cords. You may not have parachute cord, so use rope. Anyways, I lay them out in the yard, stretched out in multiple directions, but with the...
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    web host and domain prices??

    Excellent read I especially like the part about the overture keyword selector part
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    Ban the last poster before you post

    for the severe dumbing down of the universe.
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    The strength of a human being?

    Is their a limit to were a man can not become stronger ? Meaning, he is a power lifter and continues to lift heavier weights everyday. He is capable of benching 800 pounds right about now, but Is it possible, for him to bench a ton if he gets stronger or is their a limit to the human body ?
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    "Why should I study the previous presidents before Abraham Lincoln?

    when they did nothing to stop slavery ? Many of them after the other had a chance to put an end to slavery, but look, it took a man by the name of ABE to do so." I said that in my class yesterday towards my teacher and fellow classmates while standing. They applauded me. What's your opinion...
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    What is a normal heart beat?

    I checked my pulse and counted. My pulse pumps 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,etc in a slow count. Is this normal ?
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    FBI Confirms Existence of Extra Terrestrials?

    Too late now. And doesn't have anything to do with looking for alien life. We have been broadcasting on multiple wave lengths since the early 1900s. What an alien species would make out of our television broadcasts is hard to say. They might even think the best thing to do would be to give...
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    Does Torah prophecies about the promised land apply to European (Ashkenazi) Jews?

    Gerry, Can you supply me with a proof please?
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    Does Torah prophecies about the promised land apply to European (Ashkenazi) Jews?

    Gerry, Can you supply me with a proof please?
  19. T

    Does Torah prophecies about the promised land apply to European (Ashkenazi) Jews?

    Gerry, Can you supply me with a proof please?