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    Rolls not Buns!

    Ahhhhhhh, crusty cob......*dribbles*
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    Israel Blockades Lebanon

    Firstly, I'll say members of my immediate family have been directly affected by Islamic terrorists. However, that is a subject that I am not willing to discuss online. You'll just have to take my word for it! I suspect out of most people posting on this thread I actually have the most legitimate...
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    To anyone who has been in a long term relationship. Am I a controlling BF?

    When we broke up, i came to realise and accept that it was probably for the best. That we were too differant, and as she broke up with me i presumed she felt the same, but she came back to me and pursuaded me to give it another go. I dont know what i should do? I love her more than anything but...
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    Hey ST degenerates...when are you going to die?

    Two things 1. You don't have a girlfriend nice try though 2. How's middle school this year?
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    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    gah, can't find the painkillers. anti-ass, plz to stop hurting now, kthxbai. maybe i should just go to sleep. meh.
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    Wow get this...

    SO EVERYONE CAN STOP SPEAKING OUT OF THEIR ASS: SHE DEFENDED HIM ON A BAIL HEARING. THIS MEANS THERE WAS NO BACKGROUND CHECK ON THE DEFENDANT AND IT WAS SIMPLY A VERY SHORT MATTER. She goes to duty council, gets like probably 15 clients in one day, and defends them all on bail hearings. This...
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    Men, women, and sex

    But people can't just stop writing, because my thread is four different kinds of awesome.
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    Fatty gets kicked off Airplane.

    I hate fat people.
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    Role playing & tabletop games.

    Role playing & tabletop games. One of mine. The Bear.
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    Quitting the internet

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    NHS Bill

    That's a non-starter. Taxation in this country has never been done on the basis of 'paying for what you get', and the chances of it being totally overhauled in that way are zero. You pay your income and tax and NI based on your income, and that's that. Even if it were possible to change the...
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    Remember the twitter Robin Hood airport thing?

    If you had heard mine you must have been in the job a fair while.
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    Google Image Wars v. 8362348246

    steven cojocaru - fashion critic. Take that clothes !
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    On a scale from one to ten.

    How healthy to you try to eat 1.Being a health nut. 10.Being a human garbage can. And also what are some of your favorite health snacks. For myself i try to avoid soda's and drink water more,and eat salads any chance i get. I will give myself a six i need to work on my diet and become more...
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    Evening. :pierre:
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    Healthiest choice for restaurant breakfast???

    I'm on a weight loss diet at the moment, but need to go out for breakfast tommorow so was wondering what is the best choice?? I'm thinking poached eggs on wholegrain toast.. but I might add 1- 2 sides.. which do you recommend is the best (1-2 choice) option for my diet out of these sides...
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    is honey really bad for a diet?

    i only use 1 teaspoon... in a homemade bircher mueslie i eat for breakfast... but i'm trying to lose weight.. so is honey bad??
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    Ever been conned by a really talented con man?

    "There Will Be Bamboozling."Barack Hussein Obama agreee with you Obama, on this point you are correct!