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    My cat loves going outdoors but he wanders a lot?

    Well if your cat continues to go outside, he'll either stay lucky, or sooner or later he'll get into trouble. Chances are he will get injured at some point. Anything can happen; fight with another cat and he could get seriously injured, being in the road where someone might not see him and hit...
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    What is/was your grandma's special dish?

    Cheesestraws. Meatloaf. Lots and lots of meatloaf...I'm vegan.
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    What's the weather like?

    Raining here.
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    who is this?

    She's French. She Doesn't Want Your American Ass
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    MAP Member Mind Avatar

    I think the problem I have is that I've met or seen on video the majority of the regular posters on the forum, so I don't pay much attention to their avatars or entertain another image.
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    Apple Juice vs. Green Tea

    Of course you do...Canadian:dodgyrun:
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    Break up, heart break and suicidal thoughts. *emotional rant*?

    I'd be curious to know why you had contemplated suicide two years ago, before you met this girl. Was it because of heartbreak or a breakup, or something else? Well, you sound like a decent guy who has a lot to offer. And if it was another relationship that pushed you close to suicide, then you...
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    A Question About Che Guevara (Please, no rants) ?

    Che was a great man, he helped many people and gave them hope, and lot of people in Latin America look up to him to this day. Yes, he killed people. So did George Washington. What do you think a revolution is? So, wear your badge. But, think about the part about communism again, will you?
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    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    It's the rage, it tends to cause head rushes. Deep breaths.
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    Where can I buy this dress? I am on a budget and what do you think about it for prom? I wanted a short, shredded skirt kind of one in green but can't find one anywhere! If you do, please let me know! Thank you!
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    Zimmerman Martin Case

    Well according to this thread's logic, about as hard as it would be to find an animated GIF of a suspicious looking white guy.
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    t-mobiles royal wedding, I thought it was the real wedding yesterday? Anyone else?

    Well, I'd already seen that, so no. But do you HONESTLY think that they would do that for a royal wedding? This is among the most prestigious weddings in the world. I don't think Her Majesty the Queen would let that happen.
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    Is Big Brother in your pocket?

    Missed my part in it
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    Transgender Bodybuilder, Competes As A Woman

    I wouldn't object to that. I suppose the problem would be how many people would actually be competing in these categories? Would it be worth competitions running them etc?
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    Am I the only girl who thought this guy was cute?

    The guy is whoever portrays John Rolfe in America: The Story of Us. Skip to 3:10, because the rest is thoroughly boring, and you'll hate me.…
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    I'm looking for a Youtube video?

    I'm looking for a Doctor who video that is a tribute to the Doctor and Rose, it end with the TARDIS on a hill from the end of of Voyage of the damned with the following Lines. Rose: Doctor! Doctor: What is it now? Rose: I love you Doctor: me too I've gone trough my whole youtube history with no...
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    Anonymous VS Scientology in Vancouver

    i am going to the raid next month but scientology is 50 or so years old we wont kill it. hurt and maime it we will but kill it we wont
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    Recommend classic books as introduction to horror?

    I would think that Dracula and Frankenstein top the first two slots. Anymore recommendations for those who are just starting to read the horror genre? Mind you, I want some classics. ;)
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    The bank of England , Goldman Sachs, and the new world order

    Well I look at a couple of ways.I don't really think that there will be a huge collapse and apocalyps.but I do thing that things might change, our living standards might drop and some things may be valued less than they are now. I think that the system is corrupt and I don't really want to aid...
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    Do you have a crush on anyone here on TSR...

    nice pelvic lines... ;)