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  1. adult_diapers34

    Someone tell me what games these are v2.0!
  2. adult_diapers34

    physical tomorrow...

    Use gel to make dreads with your ballhair
  3. adult_diapers34

    Obama has the greatest singing voice EVER!!!

    mother fucker ....
  4. adult_diapers34

    prom night tonight baby

    i thought the title said prom night baby tonight.
  5. adult_diapers34

    To anyone who has been in a long term relationship. Am I a controlling BF?

    I am considering shutting this thread down as I believe it has outlived its usefulness. Unless any other issues come up, I think this thread will go down today.
  6. adult_diapers34

    Zimmerman Martin Case

    fact: george zimmerman followed and called the police on a "suspicious" person that was walking, doing nothing other than walking through the neighborhood. go ask a black male what they think. no, seriously. ask a black man what made trayvon "suspicious" in george zimmerman's eyes. then...
  7. adult_diapers34

    Photography Thread 4

    [No message]
  8. adult_diapers34

    Change the song name

    Good Riddance (Time of Your Life) - Green Day
  9. adult_diapers34

    US embassies attacked

    I think it gives them an excuse. Violence without reason is hard to justify, but if you can hide behind a religious motive, then you can claim your actions were justified.
  10. adult_diapers34

    Why marriage?

    i'm having trouble stopping laughing after reading this. it's one thing to be able to pleasure yourself with your hand. but if it was long enough to allow us to pleasure ourselves with our own mouths....we humans would not be here reading this stuff on the interwebs...that's for sure! the...
  11. adult_diapers34

    He named his son Kal-El ? (And other stupid baby names)

    Names are funny things for sure. Dad and i were watching this hockey game one night, and the commercial came on about a show with an actor named Adam Beach. My dad said 'so he's a son of a beach? " LOL.
  12. adult_diapers34

    Evolution Bashing Thread

    Oh NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooooooo another one of my threads seems to be about to close quick, somebody do somthing
  13. adult_diapers34

    shit. wtf did i sign up for.

    no lulz.
  14. adult_diapers34

    The English Perspective on Scottish Independence and the End of the Union.

    I was referring more to chavez he was giving it big licks over the issue a month or two ago. but yes I don't think its an at all likely situation even with the recent big talk between both parties, I did say in my post I was being hypothetical. maybe, but with an overstretched military that...
  15. adult_diapers34

    The most annoying quiz in the WHOLE world!!

    Yeah I got it in the end!!! Was wondering for ages why it wasn't taking Disney!! And in the end it was completely different!!
  16. adult_diapers34

    this annoying puppy

    coronovirus is a child molester....
  17. adult_diapers34

    Owned.. by your sibling. LOL!

    I think he was saying teaching a kid with a nasty temper like that how to badly hurt people is kind of stupid, and if so I agree.
  18. adult_diapers34

    Chinese v Western Astrology

    In my opinion, it's all pseudoreligious trickery. If you have enough points- like you do in the case of visible stars in the night sky- you can pick out any pattern you want to. It was originally posted in general discussion- for some reason...
  19. adult_diapers34

    MA acresses

    Damn! if you decide to use her in a movie remember to hook up my handsome self with her |Cain|
  20. adult_diapers34

    The Airborne Challenge

    drink a glass of salt-water without puking then your a bamf