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  1. D

    The Ctrl+V game (Orpaste)

    Squirrel Master;45065370']
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    Sleeping with older woman

    Older women know how to work you so you need to know your shit too, its just arkward when their ex-hubby or family see's you together and the immediate thought is "holy shit, cougars got that boy!".
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    Shave Your Head!

    I'll have some !!!
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    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    ^ that's a diet with a lot of toilet time Grrrrr was going to wear a dress today but decided it was more a social than a summer dress then mid morning we had a fire drill. Could have made more effort
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    What would you do, if pbnation.....

    forget about and go on with life no bige
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    Do you/ Would you trash talk in the middle of fight?

    It's probably because you suck at it. I know that sounds rude, but that's usually how it goes. There is an art to good trash talking beyond petty insults
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    2 2 3 2 I am the answer - but how???
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    things that are overated.

    last one's epic
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    Is it me, or has this world truly.....

    I will answer it. Because African Americans were slaves, after that they were considered to be something less than human. Lynchings (where a african american was hanged) were public events that your whole family could come to and enjoy the "show". Lets seee there was also voting rights, inferior...
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    Being an STD.

    You have to choose victim too, innit. Herpes is fun to transfer. I'd give it to a deserving mod anytime. :$
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    This man needs help (US VET)

    YouKnowWho, considering what this man has been through, his outlook is going to be very different than yours. Risking his life to no end to protect the freedom of us back home, the man loves his country let him fly a flag. It is not infringing on anyone elses rights. No offense but your last...
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    Chi meditation: A man who has lived 65 years without food and drink

    Firstly, I don't believe it. And here's a picture of my own to back that up. I liked the use of the word "readed" (in bold above) you get one LOLpoint for that. Some questions: 1) How did his body turn the EM energy from the sun into a useable energy source in his body? 2) Why didn't he go...
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    The 2nd Official "2008 King of ST" thread: 2nd round nominations

    The 2nd Official "2008 King of ST" thread: 2nd round nominations Its done.
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    Do You Think Gay People Should Have Special Rights?

    Argument falls...apart? Ha. Just trying to show some hypocrisy of advocates of gay marriage for instance. I already admitted that I don't like homosexuality, many, many times. I already said that in an incestuous relationship a child does not have to be born (birth control, abortion, etc.). The...
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    Make a wish, .. and have it corrupted!

    Wish Granted, you now have to teach hyper-active toddlers who wont listen to you and break things. I wish i wasnt runing out of wishes already
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    New Immigration Law/Protesters

    Well from what he's said, "He's tired of it" it's happening often. And they're behaviour is violent and intimidating. That's not acceptable atall. Whether an immigrant, an alien or a US Citizen. Gangs of youths threatening people is only acceptable in England.
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    Medison Celebrity Laptop?

    good or bad. i know its only 150 but is it a good laptop?
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    "American Militia"

    "American Militia" Ranzan, more info into your perspective as to why you think they are nutters please.
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    lol nice title. i have to make a poster for school and i have to make fun of schmidtsburg. its a teacher's classroom who's last name is schmidt and likes the steelers. there was a competition between team leo and orion and team leo and now we have to make posters to hang up in "schmidtsburg" HELP!!
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    Summer Music?

    i am having a summer pool party and i want to put some song lyrics on the invitation. any ideas? Please don't say beach boys. i am 13 and i dont like them!