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    Do they check for THC during physicals?

    They will ask you if you have smoked, and my doctor didnt give a shit when I told him I did. Don't worry about it.
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    Do you need to study?

    i failed twice, but i didnt study. Just go to any driving school (the one you used preferably), and ask them for a study guide. It will tell you everything you need to know and you will pass right away. I finally did that before the third try and I passed only missing 2 questions.
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    Dang, I think i'm all by myself.
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    Happy ANZAC day What are you doing for Anzac day this year?
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    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    Liking that thinking. Liking it a lot.
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    ruled by religion

    What will suit you Lil Bunny? Atheism?
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    Whatever you settle on, sony makes great long lasting headphones.
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    Prisoners set up MMA tourney

    Split the difference and you've got a deal
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    Have you guys ever had a dinosaur egg?

    at least i got...MY SCISSORS!
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    Looks like another Iraq war scandal is brewing

    "Oh no, there might be insurgents hiding around. Lets go into this house and gun down families, including women and little kids." This was murder, and the marines involved should be punished. Lets say it was your family in one of the family's situations, or maybe someone you knew well. Would...
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    iShoes, motorized skates in action on campus

    What a deal, only $500.
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    How can I convince my parents to let me go on vacation with them?

    Why don't you ask if you could go? Plain and simple if they say no let them know about the money thing and who you would take maybe they will change their minds. Prove to them you are responsible enough to go and not bug them the whole time. Good luck
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    the news paper and police reports?

    Last night the peole that live in the apartment beside me got in a very loud fight. Throwing things against the wall etc. I was trying to leave my apartment (1115 at night) they made me move my car and asked me to stay. They got all my info (name birthday, etc) then I told them what I heard...
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    pot belly pig??

    I think they are so damn cute! (raised on a farm around tons of animals) I just wondered how hard they are to take care of for one? How much are they to buy? We should be buying a house in the next year or 2 and I really want one my boyfriend isn't to crazy about the idea so im trying to get...