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  1. Y

    When do you open your presents?

    Christmas morning. but i dont wake up anticipating my gifts. i usually go strait for my stalking to see what goodies santa put in it at night. Plus people who do it on christmas eve are ruining it for their kids. when are you gonna put the cookies and milk out for santa? When is santa gonna...
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    Craziest Thing in school i could do?

    i would fuck with teachers so hard fuck their computers up put linux on their shit
  3. Y

    Scars? What do you think?

    Hmm,I dont have many scars, and the ones I do have are pretty tiny, and since they are light pink/white, and I am fair skinned they kind of blend in, unles sits cold which makes the scars darken for some reason. Most of them are on my knuckles, some from a few fights, a few on my shins, arms...
  4. Y

    NY Police fire 50 bullets at 3 unarmed men killing one

    Those men had no way of knowing that those men were police officers, also, the officer who was hit had a graze on his shin, hardly a life threatening injury, and surely the officers duty if they did feel they were in danger was to take out the driver, they shot all three men, only one of whom...
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    best drink fucking ever

    I hope you mean THROTTLE.
  6. Y

    Hard-hitting news...

    Such as?
  7. Y

    Are we spoiled?

    It is possible for *some* things to happen immediately. Not all. The key word in my original post was *everything*. Many of the young (born in the 90s) people I deal with are under the assumption that everything happens immediately, and if it doesn't, they are often genuinely perplexed as to why...
  8. Y

    who has/is working at bestbuy

    Don't apply at an extremely busy gamestop. I did and got a job for a couple weeks and it was hell (was in a mall). I walked around asking if people had any questions and pretty much was a babysitter to all the little fuckers that knocked over every god damn game-rack in the store. I ended up...
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    Change the song name

    flowers in the rain - the move
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    Stopping benefits for addicts

    I think there's a very thin line (or maybe a very big gray area), particularly in the behavioural sciences, between understanding a behaviour and excusing it. For example, it's well established that there is a neurological basis for thrillseeking behaviour. Some people have a higher need for...
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    chewing gum?

    I used to chew gum alot but was told by my GP to stop, it opens oral paws and increases throat/mouth infections by 10 fold
  12. Y

    Is it me, or has this world truly.....

    I am aware that such animals like boniboo (sp?) monkey's exhibit homosexual tendencies, so I agree w/ that piece of factual evidence. Regardless of personal choice or not, does this issue (from my initial post) really belong in school? It's one thing to have your preferences, but it's another...
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    2010 Awards

    Yes that's been my favorite thread so far just because we managed to get the most users posting vids of themselves ever I think. I'm still working through drills I got from other members! Awesomeness. Which reminds me there is more to come!
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    Best Decision You Ever Made

    Deciding to continue studying Chemistry instead of dropping the subject - really owe my teacher alot for believing that I could improve despite scoring low marks throughout the year. Ultimately, it's helped me move towards my aspirations of beginning a career in Medicine :D
  15. Y

    Is prom overated?

    very much so. It's expensive and worthless. ...sorta liek everything else the women like.
  16. Y

    Dog itching til there's blood!?

    maybe he's allergic to something in your house? i have no idea. is there a way to get a pet tested for allergies? good luck!
  17. Y

    Do guys ever see girls they meet at parties as possible girlfriend material or not?

    lemme tell you-- they don't see us as gfs.