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    Texas State researchers solve mystery of Cuero chupacabra

    saweet.. *combo breaker*
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    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    Not enough sleep
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    Things that make you go :-)) take two!

    As this is my 5000th post here , I felt it appropriate to respond to an SG1 post... I'm sooo on my way round to yours (which episode? I might be putting Cor-Ai on later)
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    The American Infallibility Complex

    Me, Japan and Okinawa. Although I'm not sure if Jacksonville counts.
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    Loch Ness

    Loch Ness has been swept numerous times over the years with the same result - nada, zero, zilch...Nessie does not exist. Due to the search we know MASSIVE amounts about the ecosystem, but this is a happy byproduct of a vain monster hunt There are no caves to hide in (it is a glaciated lake ergo...
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    3 cups of sugar FTW!
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    How does Spider-Man cling through his boots and gloves?

    it works by "suspension of disbelief"
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    lawl, gargantuan rick rollage

    I'm sick of logging into ST, and reading shitty threads. Thank you have a nice fucking day.
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    do you ever blush when you meet someone randomly?

    so my friend i were in europe, and i see this one blonde girl and exclaim, "OMG - she has the hottest body i have ever seen, man i wsh i could talk with her," then while we're touring the castle, my friend nudges me over to them. while he's talking with her travel buddy, we ask a few questions...
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    im in the mood

    Tonight we dine in Persia?
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    grammar nazi party

    I believe the use of number as the actual number (1) instead of the use of the word one. The rules that apply to this appear to continually change. Last time I looked you had to spell out one through to nine and then use numerical values from that point on. Homonyms are a true killer to those...
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    Do you post on MAP from work?

    How about this one? If not I guess they're doing something flashy to stop you.
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    do i just have extreme nerves -- laugh / spasm when touched?

    like the "first" time cuddling, i could not stop laughing whenever touched anywhere! now, not so much. sooo....a significant other was touching my rib cage, and i had this intense muscle spasm. like my lateral abs just contracted. it was wierd! and....i'm ticklish. on my knees. or if i get a...
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    Question for any DBZ fans

    I believe he gets on to Freeza's ship which is busting apart and then finds one of those little ball ships that the people ride around in super fast across galaxies. If you have watched further into the series when Goku returns to earth he lands in one of those.
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    Got this done today: On my upper arm, was £20 a symbol and there quite big, about 1inchX1inch. Says JAMIE, and yes i checked it out.
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    What do you think of celebrities?

    What role do they play in our society? mostly good or mostly bad? some seem to fulfill the American dream: Harrison Ford was a carpenter before he landed his big movies. To go from a mere carpenter to a big movie star where he has $$ to fulfill his dreams....well, that's the American dream...
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    Why is that every girl I meet...?

    ..I think, oh she's the one!!! just curious for your thoughts. I've played baseball, traveled alot, but haven't been too great in meaningful relationships.... PS - this ain't no 70year old virgin!!! yeah, i guess i'm like that!! waiting for "the one." as opposed to, "whatever! we'll see!"...
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    Have you ever met someone...?

    ...and felt a strong desire to get to know them better? what happened to the both of you?
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    I many times to feed the dog?

    48 lbs, 5 years old, aussie shepherd. do i feed her twice a day? i give her 1.5 cups in the morning and 1.5 cups at night...or is it just once a day?
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    Sometimes I feel like doing really bad things...?

    -like beating my dog -screaming at someone -taking pleasure in other people's demise -lots of sex is something wrong with me? what is?