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  1. H

    The Ctrl+V game (Orpaste)
  2. H

    Any Good History/Culture Forums?

    I thought that it was the 'berzerkr' site that was the Viking MAP?
  3. H

    Almost back for summer

    was there a complete thought in any of that? good god that was actually painful to read.
  4. H

    When He Was King

    heh for years Micheal jackson has made millions of little kids happy...............isnt it time some of the kids started makeing micheal jackson happy?
  5. H

    what should i do?

    lol, damn i shoulda came then eh? cept i was busy with my girlfriend. which is significantly more fun than getting jumped.
  6. H

    New facebook WTF H4X

    Good to hear
  7. H

    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    I hope he does this. Is it also wrong I hope the larder contains tins of dog food?
  8. H

    Man tried starting a fight at random, 11am drunk

    Not even joking. Man I tell ya,people aree crazy Im driving a plain white s10 its 11am on a miami beach literally the last road that runs along the beach. Im going to pick up a relative that lives down in South Beach . I got on 7$ shades and am in a plain truck , this guy sitting on the side...
  9. H

    parents and non parents.

    It should be added that "not understanding" does NOT make you lesser or the parent greater - it means exactly what it says and nothing more.
  10. H

    Seagull Cam

    YouTube - ‪Nyan Cat stole GoPro camera‬‏
  11. H

    Obama and the birthers!

    Really? You're going to argue that religion is not playing an ever increasing role in US politics? A country where the religion of a presidential candidate is given a ridiculous amount of attention? Where civil rights for the LGBT community are denied on what are basically religious grounds?
  12. H

    TRX fails

    The first vid, second exercise does he say Charlie is an athlete at about 1:15? Thought that was one of the best but hardest ab exercises to do, prefer it on the swiss ball but not that fast, and not in good enough shape to do them atm
  13. H

    What do you do in these situations?

    Yes I'm not saying that you didn't take a more dangerous route, but do you not feel some satisfaction from having potentially preventing that girl from being hurt? Sure she was ungrateful and you could potentially could have been hurt, but you showed a good moral compass and willingness to help...
  14. H

    This week, in my alternate universe...

    Where's your substantiated evidence? Pah, just as well I'm a member here, so I can ignore whatever each threads supposed to be about and just post whatever I want, ridiculing as many of you as I can in the process! Bricklay much?
  15. H

    Two worst martial arts techniques ever!

    I own the book, I promise you its not. There is no Ashida, or dr. haha Lung mentioned anywhere in it.
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    How Do You Define The Nation

    a bunch of 12 years insulting each other in the race for e-cool points...which i love to watch
  17. H

    The Word Game IV

  18. H

    Does cooking your food in a Pressure cooker destroy the nutirents?

    Quite the opposite. Pressure cooking preserves nutrients. It's boiling veggies and throwing out the liquid that loses most nutrients.
  19. H

    how to fry scream or vocal fry?

    What are you talking about?
  20. H

    How can I make this recipe without suet?

    That page can't be pulled up but you can substitute lard for suet.