Search results

  1. B

    Christians, is the soul immortal according to the bible?

    Yes,your physical body dies but your soul either goes to heaven or hell
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    Late period Very light brown discharge?

    I am 4 days late for my period which isn't normal for me, MY husband and i had sex on the 24th of May and was expecting my period on the 5th of this month . I am now 4 days late for my period and recently i have been having this brown discharge but it is very light and is only there when I...
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    Parents, do you think this is the only reason they want me to go on vacation?

    You are lazy as hell, selfish, and have some false sense of entitlement. Why should you get to lay around the house all day? Get a job. Aren't you embarrassed of not having a car, job, or living with your parents at your age? Jesus Christ. Yeah, you should stay home and start filling out job...
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    What are some good classic books?

    I love the vampire diaries too,as long as you read something instead of playing the walking dead on my ipod like I do,it really doesn't matter,but if your interested try Paradise Lost its a old poem but really good about Adam and Eve and there fall from grace and romantic crap like that,but get...
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    How long should you wait to start "mingling" again after a breakup?

    just let it happen dont force it. the right guy will come along trust me
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    ~*~*~ symbol meaning?

    yup what does this thing/symbol mean..? ~*~*~
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    Teens: Why do some kids whine over a B or even a low A?

    Because their parents are strict, it lowers your GPA, and some people have high expectations.
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    What websites can I watch UFC fights on?

    I usually use, but it is down due to maintenance. Are there any websites as good as
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    What episode of Saved By The Bell is this?

    The bayside triangle?
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    How do I track my stolen android phone-?

    How do I go about finding stolen android phone?
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    Did anyone experience the time changing on their cell phones a week early?

    An employee of mine was an hour late for work two weeks ago because the time changed on her phone. Did anyone else experience this?
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    Help with Backstreet Boys meet and greet passes?

    I know backstage passes are hard to come by, but I'm surprising my two best friends by taking them to the New Kids on the Block/Backstreet Boys concert on June 22 in Atlanta. I just didn't know if anyone had anyone suggestions of how to go about getting them or where I could possibly get them?
  13. B

    Was I abducted by aliens?

    There's always one
  14. B

    Man arrested for 2x4 labeled "High Powered Rifle"

    Man arrested for 2x4 labeled "High Powered Rifle" Well said that man. I am fortunate or unfortunate enough, depends on how you want to look at it, to be involved frequently with people who are experiencing suicidal feelings and intent. I can't see taking away such things as having much of an...
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    Which is better- XBOX LIVE or PSN?

    Okay this is a heated debate with gamers. lol But I think that Xbox live is better, i've only used PSN once, but i use XBL daily and cant stop. lol It's amazing really. I know there are quite allot of similarities, so they dont soud so different, but XBL is a great gaming experience, even if you...
  16. B

    what could be going on with my dog?

    We have a boxer-pits and she is about two years old. She is now sprayed or whatever, and all of a sudden we is having problems with her ears, scratching and scabbing. Also her nipples have gotten big and visibly swollen or something. We don't think shes pregnant because we were out of town but...
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    what could be going on with my dog?

    We have a boxer-pits and she is about two years old. She is now sprayed or whatever, and all of a sudden we is having problems with her ears, scratching and scabbing. Also her nipples have gotten big and visibly swollen or something. We don't think shes pregnant because we were out of town but...
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    Man EATS CONDOM (now sueing BKing)

    SCORE! free condom. :dodgy:
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    What does an HIV test result mean if it is "normal"?

    22 y/o female in Virginia. Taken advantage of during a night of drinking about 9 months ago. I got tested for HIV at 4 1/2 months and 6 months with an HIV 1/2 AB test. All negative. Confronted co-worker about him taking advantage of me. He showed me his HIV test results. It was mailed in...