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  1. collagerulz12388

    "Artist" to eat Corgi in protest......

    "Artist" to eat Corgi in protest...... according to the BBC he's a vegetarian.. his stance on eating dogs, foxes and wearing a crown of sausages seems to disagree, but apparantly hes a vegetarian.
  2. collagerulz12388

    i will review you as a poster

    true. but ur sig says otherwise...?
  3. collagerulz12388

    How does YouTube get away with sex scenes like this?!?!

    And here I was, KY in hand.... Eh... Worth a shot..
  4. collagerulz12388

    16 yr old kid figures out a way to scam pedos

    did the pedos get arrested too? Kids awesome
  5. collagerulz12388

    Many Injured in Explosions at Boston Marathon

    Sounds amazing. I've been just a few feet from bears 3 times now, they're amazing creatures. So, what's this got to do with the tragic events in Boston again?
  6. collagerulz12388

    so my psp almost got stolen today

    HCl is none of those. You don't.
  7. collagerulz12388

    My first Boxing Match

    There were kids in my high school that used to set up boxing matches on the weekends. I didn't know that it's actually a nationwide trend.
  8. collagerulz12388

    Doomsday Preppers

  9. collagerulz12388

    Gun Help

    how can I get a piece without a backgruond check?
  10. collagerulz12388

    An epic challenge for 90% of ST.

    I would be in but I'm going to an all boys camp for 7 weeks where i see girls once every sunday. Lots of fapping will ensue.
  11. collagerulz12388

    Pissing with the seat down

    to solve this problem just sit on the toilet everytime you and your bro pis, it may sound homo, but you dont have to clean the toilet or have a piss smell that that much, and yes i sit, cause my bro always bitches about piss on the me homo idgaf.
  12. collagerulz12388

    Breaking News: Marijuana not a drug!

    ...ive just got to say this... ...Bruce Lee was a junkie!! so was yip man!
  13. collagerulz12388

    This Or That.

    that Do a cartwheel off a 7-story building or Drive 90 mph into a Baskin Robins?
  14. collagerulz12388


    THANK YOU!! I get so sick of hearing men pontificate about how women had better have a real good reason for 'wanting' an abortion. Or how it should only be done in select cases where the woman was seen to be righteous and responsible. Excuse me? Have these males actually thought about the...
  15. collagerulz12388

    Where do the XMen get their powers?

    First Santa, then the wrestling now this!?! It transpires that "I can't handle the truth!"
  16. collagerulz12388

    The Word Game IV

  17. collagerulz12388

    Do you have a personality disorder?

    I think they need levels, like 5 of them, never, rarely, sometimes, usually, always, the answeres were never really black or white. If there were levels, I think I'd look a lot worse. Sane people are boring! Of course I'm eccentric, it's so much fun Paranoid: Low Schizoid: Low Schizotypal...