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  1. G

    Watchful Neighbors

    i wana see videos without a doubt. Do you have pics now? i lol'd extremely hard because i can imagine him sitting at his computer being all depressed and should have put a nice dent in his passenger door :tup:
  2. G

    Mini Cities!!! click click click then a nig drops dead. man wtf, i put my shit in america and my currency is european. gay.
  3. G

    Ban the last poster before you post

    Bin for having a private life that needs spying on
  4. G

    THE Firework thread!

    haha who needs fireworks when you work for an explosives company. Quarry work ftw.
  5. G

    The World Cup

    I agree. Although he couldn't have wasted too much of it, he's almost the top world cup scorer of all time.
  6. G

    shit im fucked

    Just laugh.
  7. G

    I have a question..

    Fact doesn't mean what you think it means. You're the kind of guy who blames rape victims, aren't you?
  8. G

    How neighbourly are you?

    well it's nice weather to hang them out to dry, just watch out for any unneighbourly filching
  9. G

    Homosexuality & Raising Kids

    Homosexuality & Raising Kids So you were bullied because other kids didn't like you? Do you have any clue why they didn't like you? Perhaps because you were implying they said something they didn't? Please point me to the post where I said or suggested that tackling issues where kids coming...
  10. G

    How many carbonated beverages?

    water. yummmmmmm
  11. G

    Dealing with late teen girl, life advice

    Are you sure she's not being a drama queen, in that typical teenage girl "OHMYGOD IT SOOOO TOTES AWFUL!!!" kind of way?
  12. G

    Absolute mind control...

    Awwwwww, me too.
  13. G

    School Starts Tomorrow

    In England (from my experience) the school year starts in September, usually between the 4th-8th. Sometimes it even starts midweek.
  14. G

    Ecsxue my selilnpg

    No idea about the first, but got the second. Hwoeevr, it wuold apeapr taht tihs olny wroks porperly if you hvae mroe tahn one wrod and you hvae a setnence or praaagrph in wihch to put a cnotxet. Or myabe taht is jsut me!
  15. G

    Encouraging Terrorism in Iraq

    I thought this thread was about alleged encouragement of terrorism in Iraq. Why has it changed to talking about global currency? I do hope you're not falling back on your old tactic of flinging as much at us as you can possibly muster in an attempt to confuse us with information overload. Any...
  16. G

    Afganistan,can we win this ???

    the funny thing is mate I did apply. I got rejected for my eyesight and until I'm 18 there's sod all I can do about it. I have every intention of fighting. My line wasn't addressed at you personally it waas a general statement. I'm ticked off with all the complaining about afghanistan and mostly...
  17. G

    Do You Think Gay People Should Have Special Rights?

    OK, so Johnno and Ap, your point is that people don't need to keep re-asserting that they don't want to watch gay people "physically expressing their love" as that should be a truism for heterosexuals as a whole?