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  1. KermitDFrog

    Better than knocking on a sound-proof door...

    Tangent Universe... duhh go watch Donnie Darko before making threads with stupid questions
  2. KermitDFrog

    US Gas Prices

    Heh heh heh! I have no idea what vehicles you are talking about. The "huge gas guzzlers" over here can uproot trees and pull yachts uphill. And when I last took any interest in trucks and SUVs, some of them could do zero to 60 mph in 6 seconds. But even if a particular vehicle does zero to 60 in...
  3. KermitDFrog

    Things that make you go Mmmmmm....

    Boobs boobs boobs boobs boobs boobs boobs boobs boobs boobs boobs boobs boobs boobs boobs boobs boobs boobs boobs boobs boobs boobs boobs boobs boobs boobs boobs boobs boobs boobs boobs boobs boobs boobs boobs boobs boobs boobs boobs boobs boobs boobs. Is that enough?
  4. KermitDFrog

    Motorcycle Enthusiasts

    Because they are big, heavy and have the sort of power that is needed for pulling out tree stumps. Because the technology they use can best be described as agricultural.
  5. KermitDFrog

    Passing a drugtest

    Go to your drug store they should have some you can buy. Remember the higher the price the better the quality. Friend bought the most expensive one and he passed, but his sis bought one of the cheaper one and her test came back inconclusive.
  6. KermitDFrog

    eugenics thread.

    I'm not really seeing that as a negative. If the traits are disadvantageous, we artificially select against them. If they're neutral or positive, there's no reason to eradicate. I think the big thing will be to ensure that no one, ever, gets to select for aesthetic traits such as skin colour...
  7. KermitDFrog

    New discovery

    garsh darn ah shure do luv bananus!!!
  8. KermitDFrog

    May be

    Is may be an actual word? It's not in the dictionary, but this fool I am having a conversation with is telling me it is a word. Enlighten me...please!
  9. KermitDFrog

    "Cliques" in school that you ABSOLUTELY cant stand!

    "Cliques" in school that you ABSOLUTELY cant stand! u werent kidding about being gay werent u
  10. KermitDFrog

    LOLcats/caturday thread!

  11. KermitDFrog

    DIY for complete and utter n00bs

    As the owner of an old house and an avid DIYer, I'm hoping I can give you some good advice. Unfortunately there's always going to be a lot of trial and error, but if you approach things in a realistic fashion with plenty of common sense and time you can figure a lot of things out. Home repair...
  12. KermitDFrog

    Wild accussation

    vn zandt is her pimp
  13. KermitDFrog

    What have you done today.

    haahaa brilliant
  14. KermitDFrog

    Last 3 Googles

    Samson go mic review Sonno Joi Translate Chinese
  15. KermitDFrog

    How to be positive

    i have depression art is the best medium of expression, whether it be music, poetry, drawing, painting etc. you need an outlet for expression it won't cure you but it helps i guess...
  16. KermitDFrog

    contractors jailed for letting blind man build bridge.

    LOL! Not inappropriate. Just retarded. You're a blind piano tuner responsible for someone death while tuning pianos so you've gone on the lam as a blind bridge builder?!
  17. KermitDFrog

    what do you do

    Fuck them. In the ass.
  18. KermitDFrog

    Europe vs USA, who wins?

    Dude, you're like the only person here taking this thread seriously. Yeah, we are pseudo-serious, but tongue in cheek. That said, Airforce beat Navy? Nonsense!
  19. KermitDFrog

    Europe vs USA, who wins?

    sorry for my ignorance but what are you talking about???? FFl is an army fyi
  20. KermitDFrog

    My baby Roxy <3

    My baby Roxy <3 I have two of them. one is 3 and half foot and the other one is still a little guy at almost two feet now