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    weird situation...

    Damn. That sucks.
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    MAP members you are attracted to

    Good, I'll meet him when I visit you. Though I'd rather the 1000000 gorgeous irish chicks that live near you if you dont mind.
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    Just read the article. I really hate politicians too dumb to see the truth.

    What you said is true up to a point, but if any particular section of society is being subjected to an above-average degree of violence or harassment of any kind, then surely it is the duty of the authorites to pro-actively take steps to deal with it, rather than just assuming that since...
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    Who is your favourite user on TSR?

    I no longer aspire to be like him.
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    So my teacher is on tv

    thats fuckin great.
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    Age By Chocolate

    It works
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    What have you learned on ST that contributes to your life?

    I'm white, as are my teeth.
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    Brad Pits Single!!!

    Oh please! The martial arts babes thread is only like, 2000 pages long!
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    Abortion is Wrong

    He became addicted to opiates after receiving morphine for medical reasons. It's easily done. He also got clean for a long time - not so easily done. Like I said, if you achieve half of what he did, you'll have done very well indeed. Of course, that's unlikely, because if you refuse to study...
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    Abortion is Wrong

    To the child, yes they are the same. I agree there are different levels of brutality and while the prior example is more heinous, they both end in the same result. Do you not agree that one murder can be considered more heinous than another?
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    Anonymous VS Scientology in Vancouver

    i wish there was a place not to far from me to go to, looks pretty intresting.
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    The "goodbye to wushurichard" thread

    The "goodbye to wushurichard" thread RAAAASCLAAAAAT!!!
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    Time Travel Conundrums

    Only during the lifespan of that black hole, and only the light that it actually captured. Plus you'd basically see an incredible intense white light which would burn your eyes out - plus incinerate your body - assuming you've somehow managed to remain intact through the spaghettification that...
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    Tomorrow...I Do It

    Hey! Mr. wipe down ya heard me Foxx-a-million yall! This one be the reeemix! Badass, Savage life, Foxx-a-million Man you already know what it is ya heard me We still on, we still ridin on chrome, we still pullin up Verse 1 (Foxx) I pull up at the club VIP gas tank on E but all drinks on me...
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    does the rogers family plan have voicemail?

    Does the Rogers Family Plan come with free voicemail and call display? Thanks!
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    How smart is you?

    I are verry smart. My answer is: why waste my time on something so pointless just to boast that I did it?
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    Should Obama be removed from power ???

    Mainland Europe has some big newspapers,but i don't trust anyone of them,to mutsh government orientated,not critical enough !! That dusen't mean,that thy are lieing,but i have become rather sceptic for big newspapers,sometimes owned by thesame peaple or pressgroups !!! My orginal posting only...
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    Ha! Just let 'em try Grrrr.......