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    martial arts dojo in the region of girona, spain

    hi! does anyone knows any MA dojos in girona near barcelona, spain?
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    do you use conditioner?

    i do
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    what happen top swayze?Read inside info?

    he first looked like this: this mean he first looked like kurt russell but i could barely recognize him in 11:14oh [patrick is very cool to...
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    How r very rich ppl, like warren buffet worth $50bil wen Walmart is worth hundreds of billions of $$$...?

    How r very rich ppl, like warren buffet worth $50bil wen Walmart is worth hundreds of billions of $$$...? And he takes a $150k salary annualy.also, why is his net worth $50billion wen he controls a corporation worth at least 5x times that
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    I've just seen that 2girls1cup video on the net - have you seen it?

    I've just seen that 2girls1cup video on the net - have you seen it?
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    Can someone help me with a Turkish born Christian historian?

    There's just been a documentary on BBC2 about a Turkish born historian called something like 'Marcean.'I tuned in near the end so didn't catch it all. It sounded quite interesting though, and i'd like to read more about it. Unfortunately i can't find anything on the net and it's too late to go...
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    My dear Christian Friends - some of us are Atheists for different reasons . I would like you to see why I am?

    My dear Christian Friends - some of us are Atheists for different reasons . I would like you to see why I am? please give it a chance , read it ,or some of it at least! If God is Love and he actually exists - then need I say...
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    Would you support a day of no celebrity news?

    With so much going on in the world that really matters, celebrity news takes up so much time, money, and resources that could go to researching and investigating real issues. Instead, reporters scramble to talk about celebrities and help them sell tickets to their movies or song downloads, and...