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    Achievements Thread

    To go with the confessions thread i've designed an achievement one Post a great achievement you have done today or ever done enjoy My achievement today was... I basically owned by R.E teacher in a debate about christianity
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    Fellow Christians: Why is homosexuality a grave sin but we are allowed to eat pork?

    I'm confused with parts of the laws in the Leviticus. I am Catholic and eat pork and shell fish. WHy is that okay for Christians but not for Jews and Muslims? I understand that gays are living in sin and Jesus never changed that. But did Jesus change the dietary laws?
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    Has the recession affects athelete & celebrities' wallets?

    Granted many people have lost a lot of money in the stock market and other investments. But for celebrities and athletes who have millions and millions, can the recession affect them? Just wondering this while watching TV about celebrities at Dubai. And going to dinners with tons of lobster and...
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    I know she is a celeb, but why would Miley Cyrus' parents let her date a 20 yr old

    guy? Would you want your 16 yr date a 20 yr old? And what does a 20 yr old have in common with a 16 yr old?
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    My grandmother is 100 and has seen a lot of changes. If you were to die soon...

    ...and was telling? your children or grandchildren stories of the changes you've lived through, what would they be?
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    Does anyone watch VH1 Celebrity Rehab? I'm watching it right now.?

    I watched the first season also. I guess being a recovered alcoholic myself, it hits home. Do you like it or not?
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    Don't you think that if actors are so important to Hollywood, that they would help?

    their money-makers stay clean and sober? I'm so sad to see so many celebrities getting high, drunk, etc after getting famous. Aren't they making all the money for Hollywood but Hollywood is letting them ruin their lives and even die (Heath Ledger, Joh Beluise, etc)
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    A question about Judaism - how does your religion explain the many races

    in the world since mankind? began with Adam and Eve? I'm Catholic and I believe in the story of the Tower of Babel, when the L-ord made people speak in different tongues. But I'm not sure about the different races, colors of skin and hair textures. I've always seen early man being a dark brown...